Thursday, December 8, 2011

Real Key To Success.....Which One?

Nowadays, success principles are available everywhere; through books, seminar, videos, audios...etc.
Often times, We've heard many different principles or keys to success.
And sometimes, it was antogonistic to each other.
Sometimes I heard....
  • "The Key to Success is to be Persistent." vs. "The Key to Success is to be Flexible."
  • "The Key to Success is to be Focus." vs. "The Key to Success is to Diversify."
  • "The Key to Success is Relationship." vs. "The Key to Success is Result."
  • "The Key to Success is System." vs. "The Key to Success is People."
  • "The Key to Success is To Do What You Like." vs. "The Key to Success is To Do What Is Right."
At the end of the day, we've collected more keys than the locksmith but we still can't unlock our potential & dreams! Because subconsciously, we are confused! How come there are more key combinations to unlock success than the key combinations to unlock DaVinci Code?
Up to a point in life, we will say, "Enough is Enough. I'm going to create my own key. I'm going to use my own talents. I'm going to use my own personalities. I'm going to chart my own dreams. I'm going to associate with the right crowd. I'm going to navigate through....on my OWN!"

That is where ..... another key to success is being created in the world!

In summary, there are no right set of keys to success.
Only our own keys to success.....that is based on our own creation, our own background, our own stories & our own journey of success.

Let me give you the "The Key of the Keys To Success then......"
"The main key to success is not to loan keys of success from others but to create our own keys to success. That's the key!"

Let's go make em...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Every Step Counts

Before going for a big jump, train on small hop.
Before going for a big achievement, embrace on small challenges.
A thousand mile begins with the first step and the first step begins with the first crawl.
Whenever we have a big thought in life, break it down into tiny-doable activities.
In that way, we always try to achieve the "heaven" but practically doing the "earthly" work to navigate through.

Whenever we thought it is too far, try to look nearer.
Whenever we thought it have always been done that way, why not break that way!
Whenever our voice question us, let our heart lead us.
Whenever we tend to say Can Not, perhaps look at it & say Why Not.

Focus is not about getting rid of distractions but managing around distractions. There is always temptations & deviations but remember our "boomerang" typed focus; whenever we got away from the core, always fly back to the base and ask ourselves Why, What & How. Sometimes willpower & decision overshadowed scientific analysis. Some people view it as Luck, Destiny, Goal or Fate.
But a simple "Yes, I Can" or "Yes, I Want" can be the main drive for us to glide through life frictions.

Big things are made from simple but relevant thoughts.
Success is not build with a quantum leap & neither did failure.
Hence, every step counts......

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just Do It

A simple tagline by Nike, "Just Do It".
What a powerful message!
This 3 words can help solve a wide horizon of problems and truly re-direct our focus to do what matters.
It can work in many situations...

When we are fearful, Just-Do-It.
When we are helpless, Just-Do-It.
When we are disappointed, Just-Do-It.
When we don't feel like doing it, Just-Do-It.
When we lose hope, Just-Do-It.
When we think too much, Just-Do-it.
When we have doubts, Just-Do-It.
When we think we can't, Just-Do-It.
When we analyse the best time to start, Just-Do-It.
When we are faced with lots of obstacles, Just-Do-It.

Sometimes data or report or in-depth analysis is not as powerful as Just-Do-It. It commands massive action on the spot and it pushes us to Do First, Think Later. Most of our worry doesn't happen anyway & if it does, 90% of it are manageable. I respect those who go on partial analysis & partial gut-feel to go all out to live an adventurous journey. Whether success is within reach, is another issue. But surely when we look back, it is meaningful & full of essence.

At times, we have to let go of other's opinion & go on our own.
There is no Right or Wrong, it is a matter of Just-Do-It or Don't-Do-It.
If we succeed, Celebrate-It.
If we fail, Learn-From-It.

Hence, just figure...
Why-Do-It --> How-To-Do-It --> Just-Do-It!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Can A Chicken Identify an Eagle?

It takes a good person to identify another good person.
It takes a great person to identify another great person.
But it takes a humble person to identify an incredible person.

Quite often that we meet some empty vessels which tend to makes the most noise wanting spotlights, recognitions & credits while practically doing not much & riding on the sub-ordinate's success. And sometimes it is a mystery to me that such categories of people are placed nearly on top of an organization, ruining it than running it!

When people go for job interviews, most of the time, interviewer over-emphasizes the knowledge & experience of someone in a particular field or the specialized knowledge which they generally perceived as the only important focus in someone's career.
Wait a minute...what about their initiative, commitment, attention to details, ability to strategize, good connections, communicate with respect, resourcefulness, team spirit, responsibilities, integrity....etc?
Aren't those attributes build a stronger foundation for someone to be able to grow the company in the long run?

The question is "Can A Chicken Identify an Eagle? Or an Eaglet?"
It takes someone from a great height to be able to see the potential of another person reaching a greater heights! That is a People-Builder, a Developer & an Enabler!

It is sad to see a company functioning as a Juice Extractor of talented people where fresh employees are full with brain-nutrients & attitude-minerals are being squeezed until the passion & commitment are dehydrated in the name of growth & bad management!

Eventually, it is okay for a local "Watermelon" like us to leave as imported talents such as "Apple" or "Orange" can replace us. Then the process of extraction begins again....
That's why we are seeing local "Watermelons" or "Durians" being exported out as they find more values in other countries.

In a nutshell, it is important to find an Eaglet, invest & build the Eaglet into an Eagle. Then train the Eagle to look for other Eagles to grow together. Sometimes an Eaglet may come in a form of pigeon or turkey for us to discover that they are true Eagles in the making, with hidden wings & sharp claws!

The talent is out there....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Is A Manager, A Leader Too?

Conventionally, a company or an organisation put emphasis on a career ladder to potential employees which leads to higher position & eventually or hopefully to the top! But I've found out promoting a wrong person holding a wrong position makes it even harder for a company to gel people together & eventually can't get things done through the right delegation. As rapport needs to be build & respect needs to be earned before the results set in. People must be positioned according to their strengths or talents instead of knowledge & experience alone, which most of the companies are practising now.

Some people are really good in execution but poor in delegation or leadership.
Some people are good in strategising but poor in execution or deadlines.
The best are those that can flip in between both attributes.
If an organization builds a team based on bringing out the best potential a person got to offer, people will have auto-drive & passion in their work. Eventually, they felt a sense of achievement & a sense of belonging to the company.

Sometimes promotion doesn't depend on the number of years that an employee served. To honour an employee's loyalty, he or she can get the salary of a manager without being one. Why not?

A manager is not necessarily a leader & vice versa.

A Manager is based on position while a Leader is based on influence.
A Manager uses authority while a Leader uses inspiration.
A Manager practises upward management while a Leader practises downward appreciation.
A Manager takes credit while a Leader gives credit.
A Manager always says I and You while a Leader says We.
A Manager focuses on performance & tasks while a Leader focuses on performance & people.
A Manager uses science to manage while a Leader uses Art to lead.
A Manager corrects & commands while a Leader correct & compliments.
A Manager suffers from insecurity complex while a Leader have inner self confidence.
A Manager is egoistic while a Leader is compassionate.
A Manager improve someone's weakness while a Leader capitalizes on someone's strengths.
A Manager wants to be a Star while a Leader wants to be a teamplayer.
A Manager hungry for reputation while a Leader is full of character.

Anyway, these are the qualities of managers & leaders that I can think of relating to my previous careers. What I mean referring to Manager, can be of a higher ranking as well, such as MD, CEO, COO, GM or whatever it is. I personally feel title will destroy & blindfold personal growth if it is being overly honoured. Sometimes we have to be a good follower before becoming a great leader.
The worst scenario is a founder of a company that develop the same mindset when starting a business as compared to growing a business. It is really dangerous when they don't know what they don't know.

Starting a business is about micro-managing everything. Growing a business is about building teams & delegation.
Starting a business is about profit & cashflow. Growing a business is about building vision, mission & values.
Starting a business is about firefighting. Growing a business is about strategising.

When a business started to dilute on product quality, consistency, cultures, consumer's confidence or partner's trust, it is even more expensive in a later stage to revive. And it certainly needs strong & committed leadership to make a turnaround.

Basically, Leaders can be found in all level of an organization. We just need to uncover some dirts, clean it up, to discover the gem!
Don't be mistaken that leaders are the one which makes the most noise or usually an outgoing person. Not necessarily.

In summary, Managers are everywhere. But Leaders are rare.
Treasure them & let's grow to be one...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Business Manager & Business Leader

Recently, I've observed some people on how they perceived & run their businesses.
Initially, any business venture is hungry for profits and cashflows as to keep their neck above the water from being drown with a loss. Upon the survival mode, it is time to switch gear to a growing mode. While growing it, we have to build a strong foundation on supporting the growth with systems, principles and teamwork. Once the compass is define with mission, cultures & values and a leadership team is formed, it is time for exponential growth, which is multiplication! Eventually, sustainability is the key to continue growing and maintaining the business without losing its essence and the original "why" that it exists in the first place.
It can be summarized as:

Creation --> Survival --> Growth --> Support --> Multiply --> Sustain

The summary is short but the process may take a decade!
That's why a business manager can only grow a business linearly.
While a business entrepreneur will grow it exponentially.

What is the difference?
One stand for profits. The other stand for something bigger than profit!!
One keep on taking. The other keep on giving.
One is looking on the short term. The other is building a legacy.
One is developing followers. The other is developing leaders.
One is working on people's weaknesses. The other is discovering people's talents.
One is thinking about greed. The other is thinking on creating values.

When a slight change of mindset & direction occurs, it will create a big impact when we stretch the time frame 10 years down the road. In anyway it is, there is no right or wrong. It is the heart & mind of the founders itself. I personally respect either business managers or business entrepreneurs because it takes guts to create something and to walk a journey separated from the crowd. But the way to create a business and the way to grow it needs a different mindsets & skillsets.

Imagine if every entrepreneur creating businesses to create values, the market will be a better place for all!!
I feel grateful and wish to thank all the business creators out there. Whatever it is, a big THANK YOU for driving a nation forward and to create jobs for people.

Dear Business People, you are the Hero afterall!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Simplify A Complicated Life

It is hard to complicate a complicated life but even harder to simplify a complicated life.
Because our mind is complicated while our heart is simple!
Sometimes we use our mind and sometimes we listen to our heart.

Therefore, sometimes we are complicated & sometimes we are simple.
Initially, we use our mind to think & analyse. Then complications arrived.
Until our mind is tired, then we turn to our heart.
Finally we say, "Why wanna complicate a simple life? Let's simplify a complicated life!"
After a big round, we can only see a simple life through our heart!! Eventually, we are looking for simple happiness.

Growth happens due to comparisons.
But unhappiness also comes from comparisons.
The difference is one is with positive comparisons while the latter is based on negative comparisons.

That is why in order to gain happiness, we often hear people saying, "Listen to your heart" instead of "Listen to your mind".
Therefore, it is easier to decide with our heart and execute it with our mind.

P/S: Hmm....seems like the heart has a big role in our life. I wonder where are the lungs & liver...!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Re-living Passion

Time flies.
Things happened.
People come & go.
And life goes on....

As we are an emotional being, we get motivated & de-motivated at times. The roller-coaster of life will fill us up with passion in a moment but disappointments will empty our energy tank in another moment. Unless we do something about it to minimize our energy fluctuations and re-focus on significance, or else life is controlling us.

The key driver of life is always and always will be Passion. Passion helps us do our work without additional pull. Gaining passion is one thing, keeping it up is another. Re-gaining it back once we lose it need a little extra push from the inertia downturn.

I was in a cafe the other day, reading my book. When I was on the way to the washroom, I saw the outlet manager was having a meeting with the service crews and I overheard some scoldings and correction statements being voiced out by the manager. I guess the whole meeting can be sum up with the word "Re-living Passion".

In any work that we do, if it is done repeatedly in a mundane and monotonous way, the energy will eventually die off. It is about generating new rhythms and new waves which could re-live our passion.

I can think of 3 simple ways to do it;
  1. Learning new knowledge.
  2. Solving new problems / challenges.
  3. Keep thinking of a better way to do it.
If there is a choice, people would like to be busy & productive than to be led to nowhere! Because of a simple reason; We want to feel being useful. I could never think of a better word than this.
Useless = Less use!
Useful = Full use!
So, let's use some of our existing talents and discover some of our potential talents to re-live our passion.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Small Decision With A Big Impact

Sometimes only time will tell in order to know whether we've made the right choice in life. A small diversion of a good decision coupled with a timeframe will lead to the real result that we eventually realized. Unfortunately, the timeframe can be as long as 2 or 5 or even 10 years before the realization comes to past. Be it emotional or logical decision.

Good decisions sometimes are from the experience of making some bad choices. Sometimes it is too far away that it is hard to reverse back the cycle. But sometimes it is still within our circle of control.

Hence, the best decision is a combination use of logic, emotion and gut-feel.
When we want something, analyze a little bit, check our pulse of emotions and then go all out with our guts. It can be a YES or a NO but move forward with a futuristic mindset.

What happen if we make a wrong decision and we can't do anything about it?
The only way is to embrace and change our perspective. That's why some people experienced blessings in disguise.

Of course talk is cheap and easy, practising it takes creativity and thinking out of the box. We surely needs some level of creativity to see the negative into positive, to see the doughnut and not the hole.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Coffee with Love

This is what we get when things are done with a heart and soul through the mind.
Can you imagine how Starbucks positioned their customers? I can feel as they treat us as good friends, judging from the act of taking the trouble to inform us on the outlet closing or re-location, with a meaningful message. I'm touched!

This is great example when a business successfully invested in People, to Perform and eventually generating Profits! When a company tries to skip the People part and jump straight to Performance and Profits, most of the time, the employee retention will be low. As people don't feel appreciated and the sense of belonging is shallow. Therefore, resignation letters are flying here and there!

Some management implement a policy where "I set the rules and if you don't play by it, take a flight and leave!". Guess what, employees will do accordingly to grant your wish.
How can one rule, conquers all? Imagine one medication to treat all kinds of disease.
People are different and we are an organic human being that are suppose to be emotional, don't we? We are not cows or chicken! We have moments of celebration, moments of achievement and moments of dissapointment as well. At the end of the day, what is so great about money if it doesn't enrich or uplift someone's life?

If we want a harvest of a year, grow wheat.
If we want a harvest of 10 years, grow trees.
If we want a harvest of a lifetime, grow people.

Eventually, People will grow your empire!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our Inspiration = Our Lack

In our lifetime, we've encountered many people from different walks of life who inspire us to be better, to go further or to think bigger. To be specific, the inspiration part that got us uplifted is not the person but the attributes that he or she possesses. It can be the attributes of risk-taking, positivity, having a great visions, strong execution, talent identification skills, guts, dare to fail, creativity, tactful communication, leadership and the list goes on.
What intrigue me is the attributes that attracted most of us are the ones that we are lacking of most of the time. Those attributes fill up our void and sometimes are the missing link to what we want in life. That is what motivate and excite us; something that we are looking for which is not in us but in others heart and mind. It simply means the person that are we looking up to will indirectly reflects the qualities that we are looking for.
Therefore, it is quite simple to understand our lack. Just look at who inspire us!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Under Sycamore Tree

A friend of mine created another new blog under the webpage of A very interesting and relevant blog within a fast-paced future, telling us to look into ourselves again and figure out the North that we are pursuing.

At times, it is hard for us to figure out what do we really after. But one of the way is to discover our in-born talent, hone it into a consistent strength, spice-up with skills and passion.....there we have it....PURPOSE. It is like beginning to do something and just flow with it without deep analysis. As we do it, our purpose will emerge and as time goes by, it is clearer to us whether to stick with it, tune it a little or add on to it.

It is really easy to start with what we like or what we are good at.

For example, another friend of mine who loves photography, just started a casual hobby called the 30 Days Project in Facebook and I assume the idea was emerged out of his interest in snapping some good picture with different angle and color effects. He just started it, stick with it and he is going to complete it. Who knows, maybe down the road, his interest may lead him to his lifelong purpose of becoming a travel-journalist as he is also good in writing skills and love to enjoy life as well!

I've got another friend who was good at doing marketing, branding and pretty interested in training as well. She has done this for almost 10 years and she is exploring other alternatives recently that got her in a potential career that she is looking for. And she is really good in what she is doing.

The first example is of someone with what he likes and the the second example is of someone with what she is good at.

All we need is a little spark to begin our exploration in our purpose. Think about it under a sycamore tree!

The first step will lead to a thousand miles.....

Sunday, August 7, 2011


The other night, I've watched a tv show until midnight and it is called "Tuesdays With Morrie". It was an eye-opener and I believe this show will surely enlightens and awakens some people's purpose in life.

Morrie is a professor and an old man who fully live his life and lots of time, see the good in people and circumstances. He always gave wonderful wisdom of life to the students around him. Unfortunately, he was struck by a disease (I forgot what is it called...) and the virus is attacking his whole body from bottom up. But before he died, he met up with one of his students, a sport journalist, who was extremely dedicated to his work until he take life for granted and was in a dilemma on his life compass. After 19 years of not seeing each other, Morrie somehow help this man to look at life differently and to cherish what really matters instead of speeding through the journey all the time!

The whole show talked about how to live a life that we truly wanted and bless the people around us. Very often, we are after glamorous careers, great ambitions, make more money, get a big house and if possible, drive a Ferrari! But Morrie talked about how often that we stop and look at what we are after and says, "Wait a minute, is that what I really want in the first place?"

To make it more interesting, Morrie organized a "living funeral" for himself! What a great idea that breakthrough conventional pattern of dying! Yes, it is more meaningful to see our friends and family before we have our last breath and listen to what they have to say about us just before we die. What's the point of letting people compliment and praise you and you are not around to enjoy it.

I wish there are more tv shows that add values to us instead of negative dramas for whole year long.

Luckily, these are some of Morrie's quotes that I managed to jot it down while watching this show;
  1. Never make money by using people.
  2. Love always win.
  3. Love is the only rational act, just let it come in.
  4. We must love one another or die.
  5. When we learn to die, we learn to live.
  6. Forgive everybody everything.
  7. Death ends life but not relationship.
Hope some of these quotes do give you a second thought and help you to discover your life compass.

Imagine that you are dying soon (well, everybody is not a touch-wood thing!), what do you really want to do and who do you want to be on your bedside during your last breath?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Inner Ear - Subconscious


Psychologists talk about expressing our problems and stress out. Some people channel it out through yelling, doing exercise, going through some form of therapies or sharing it with friends. Most commonly, we'll choose to share it with a buddy or someone older than us, perhaps lending us a pair of listening ear or some advice.

But I've tried before sharing some burden or stress with friends and the more I shared, the more negative I became! Because when we share, we are the first person to listen to it through our inner ear again & again until it is impregnated into our subconscious. As opposed to what psychologists talk about, the more I think about it and speak about it, the more I magnify the situations. The worst thing is the negative wind is now blowing to our friend who listen to us. Suppose he or she is having a great time and suddenly being striked by "Down-Syndrome" because of us, sharing unnecessary gossips or  negative stuff!

In conclusion, what shall we do? To share or not to share?
To share, we might experience a short sense of relief.
Not to share, we might explode one day!

In my opinion, we should talk it out and share it with 2 conditions;
  1. Share with someone positive that we can trust.
  2. Share with the mindset of solving it.
The first condition is to enable us to have a sense of relief and acknowledgement of someone knowing what we have gone through. The second condition is to help us to block the on-going flow of negative "chi" to ourself and to others. Eventually, if we let the negative air floats around, it will be cancerous! Until the extreme of someone committing suicide or doing something extreme and harmful without any conscious effort of curing it.

Life is only once.
Let's try our very best to minimize mental pollutions and contaminants in order to live with abundance.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Awhile ago, a colleague of mine gave me a free coupon to redeem a frappucino in Starbucks. 2 hours later, I've redeemed it!! Ordered a Java Chip with a simple donut ...... here I am, feel like writing a message on friendship.

Eventhough it is a small token but I think it really made a pleasurable and relaxing evening for me. Especially after a hectic day running around, we just need some private moments and enjoy every bit of it. Sometimes we don't need expensive stuff, just something useful will turn our evening around.

Besides family, spouse or lovers, we need friends to be around us. Coz no man is an island.....
At times, they could lend a listening ear or even give some valuable insights that our stressful mind couldn't figure out. Sincere and enriching friendships are valuable. They may come in handy especially when we need someone to chit-chat, share our joy or lift off some of our burden.

They are friends that can hurt us. And some will help us. Of course there are some who make no difference in our lives. The quality of friendship that we spend time building on, will determine our altitude in life. If we spend most of our lives with someone who can help and uplift us, I'm sure we  live a more fulfilled life.

I just spoke to another 2 business friends this afternoon and we had a fruitful chat where I learn the word of commitment and focus from them. To me, both of them are successful as they love to help and add values to people's lives. Nothing is more fulfilling than to enrich someone to reach a level that they never thought of reaching.

Well, when you have time, what are you waiting for....just call a friend and chit-chat over a cup of coffee!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Money, Money, Money...

What if you were suddenly blessed with piles & piles of cash with a snap of a finger?
It is not a very good analogy because we got to work hard for it. But just for the sake of discussion and provoking our thoughts a little bit....
  • Would you still continue working? Be it your job or your current business?
  • Perhaps clearing all your debt and be a G.O.O.D person.....Get Out Of Debt...?
  • Does travelling crosses your mind where seeing dolphins and penguins are much more interesting than clients and bosses?
  • What about testing your dream car and just pay cash for it?
  • Maybe you can try out an expensive hair cut?
  • Purchasing 10 units of high-end condos is definitely more interesting than struggling to pay the mortgage of 1 unit?
  • How about pursuing your hobby such as snorkelling, horse-riding, parachuting or bungee-jumping?
There are endless things to be done.
Some people said Money Can't Buy Happiness.
I bet those who said that don't have much and they simply use it to justify themselves being broke!
We always heard that "The Love of Money Is The Root Of All Evil."
What about "The Lack of Money Is The Root Of All Evil!!"

More than half of our life is spent working for money. To be more specific, it is what money can buy and the lifestyle that we've trade it for. Of course money itself is innocent. It depends on who the owner is and how we use it. Money is just a form of measurement, an exchange value and it provides convenience to access to a better and greater lifestyle.

Money is great and Money can definitely buy happiness.
We don't have to pretend it is not important and treat it like an allergen.

Let's welcome and attract money in our life.....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Life is a Process of Buying & Selling

In my opinion, life is not just about winning or losing and if we view it from another angle, it consists of buying and selling. If our metaphor of life is all about winning, we might think of ways to "assassinate" someone's position, self-esteem or values. It is all about stepping down or destroying others in the name of victory! When someone wins, it is simply because you position yourself as a seller and you successfully find a buyer.

Everyday, we try pushing or suggesting our ideas or thoughts to someone hoping to influence his or her views. On the other hand, we might be persuaded to accept the other party's opinion. Then we bounced back with our arguments. Vice-versa, we got hit back by the other's view followed by our "attack" again. The process goes on until someone is willing to buy an idea, thought or opinion and it settle down.

Suddenly we change topics and here we go again. Maybe this time the Buyer becomes a Seller and vice-versa. Try to picture these situations;
  • You sell the idea to your friend on buying a Vios but ended up buying a City.
  • You've sold the idea of leaving your current company but bought the suggestion of staying back.
  • Someone sells you some bad thoughts about your superior but you rejected the "purchase" and in return selling back what you think about that superior to shut that person up. Hence the seller of bad thoughts eventually bought your good thoughts.
  • You are being sold of the idea of being happy is more important than money. Do you buy this or you have other thoughts to sell it back?
  • Your future boss doesn't buy the idea of giving you such a high salary but you continue magnifying its pain of not having you or the joy of having you in the company. Eventually, you've got what you want and your boss enjoy your talent. Transaction closed!
When I look at life as a continuous transactions of buying and selling instead of winning and losing, I may leave myself with rooms of empathy, care and respect. If I flip it through, I might see only Victors or Victims and may treat myself as a Carnivore, wanting to win all the time or a Herbivore, who lost most of the time.

Why not be an Omnivore!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Business Owner or Business Runner?

After working for many years, most people would like to start their own business. I've written previously on the "Purpose of Building A Business". Be it Passion, Innovation, Problem-Solving, Jobs Creation or Creating More Income for oneself, there are 2 ways of having our own business.

Either you:
  1. Run it ...or...
  2. Own it
If you run it, you will never own it.
If you own it, try not to run it.

I've recalled a trading company having high revenues and a big operating scale, firefights daily! Their daily routines are Blaming, Pinpointing, Shooting & Firing! Imagine going to the warzone every day to work. Guess how motivating it is .... There is no teamwork, no incentive and obviously no passion, only a group of people dying mentally and waiting to be buried alive someday.

Another company run by a husband & wife team. All the employees are expected to equipped with multiple Intel processors in their whole body; MULTI-MULTI-MULTI-TASKING!!!
And all the MD knows and care of is the sales volume, margin, profit and nothing else. There is no life, no soul, no respect and no meaning at all. Eventually, everyone left!

I've observed and known a number of business people. In summary:
  • Some are having big businesses with a big team but infested with the disease of employee's turnover and low morality.
  • Some small businesses remain small in their whole life, due to fear and a conventional mindset.
  • Some businesses firefight in their daily routine.
  • Some systematically having proper flow and procedures in place.
  • While a chosen few started from small and grew into a business empire coupled with solid values, mission, systems, purpose and teamwork.
I think the difference between Business Owners and Business Runners are whether the Management team brings out the Best in people or creates the Worst in people. I call it the Enablers or the Disablers.
Are you creating Drivers, Planners, Communicators and Analyst in your business?
Or you are just creating a bunch of people doing long as someone doing something.
Do you have people doing the right things or just people doing the things right?
What about having people doing the right things right?

If you wish to be a Business Owner, practise the 3 Es; Educate, Encourage and Empower people.
If you wish to be a Business Runner, practise the 3 Cs: Control, Criticize and Complain people.
But you can replace it with Care, Compliment and Cash!

It is all about having the Heart and Mind for the people. Letting them grow, make mistakes and uplifting them. The alignment of Thoughts and Action from the Management will reflect the real company foundation. Another important element of it is the balance between Systems and Flexibility. Systems control the company flow and procedures while Flexibility promotes harmony, respect and care.

For instance, a company may practise the policy of non-accumulative annual leave. But due to the commitment and dedication of your team players which undertake and overlook projects completion until the point that is impossible for them to clear the annual leave, what do you do when the annual leave is expiring soon?
System wise, burn all the leave days accordingly.
Flexibility wise, pay them accordingly and show that you really care and commit to your employee's dedication.

In conclusion, it is easy to start a business. It is hard to maintain and even harder to build leaders to grow your empire. Do you want your business managing your people or do you want your people managing your business?

You choose....

Monday, June 27, 2011

4 Shapes of Life

Previously, I've written "You From Jupiter, I From Neptune" categorizing people's thinking pattern and of course the whole idea is for us to embrace and 'click' with each other instead of magnifying our differences. This message is to further elaborate another angle of viewing people's style and personalities.

Referring to the diagram;
  1. Fluidic Externally, Solid Internally - It represent a person's friendliness externally and live by the principles internally. This is of course the best model we ought to have. In terms of communication, it is being handled tactfully and decisions are made based on self-belief and values.
  2. Fluidic Externally, Fluidic Internally - This person is a bit of a 'Yes' man on the outside and inside. Extremely friendly and extremely fickle-minded as well.
  3. Solid Externally, Solid Internally - Obviously, this person lives an edgy-life! He or She lives by the principles internally but having a hard time communicating and creating long-lasting relationship as they have a hard time blending with others with a different belief systems.
  4. Solid Externally, Fluidic Internally - The is the worst of the worst where this person has no solid principles to live by and yet drawing a line between himself or herself with the external world. Eventually, they will be 'quarantined' by others as weirdos!
The 1st shape reminds me of the ancient gold coins used by the Chinese back in the old days. Perhaps at that time, Chinese are mostly live by principles and communicate tactfully. I am not sure, just a plain guess. I hope that blood still flows in the modern Chinese today.

I hope you are not falling into the 4th category!

The whole idea is to be aware of who we are and sharpen our so called 'rounded' principles and soften our 'edgy' way of communicating.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Admire vs. Envy

Savage Chickens - Admiration

Let us learn to enjoy the beauty of admiring what we don't have that we can find in others. Jealousy will make us miserable. Envy will lead us to frustrations. Try to improve and strengthen our natural assets and what we are good at rather than comparing our weaknesses with other's strengths. The purpose is not to widen our gap with others but to find commonalities for accomplishments.

Some are born tall - they are naturally good for modeling!
Some are born short - don't worry, when the lightning strikes, the tall guy got it first!
Some are good in striking conversation - a magnet to a party!
Some are good in building long term friendship - loyalty comes in!
Some are naturally beautiful - but without brains.....oops!
Some are uggggggly - but with rationality and intelligence!

Well, I'm just having fun putting up some labels. But it is all about appreciating and admiring our own self.

Like yourself and Love who you are!


The whole world talks about Leadership while less emphasis is put on the importance of Followership. Some people are not meant to lead while some are born to lead. I do agree that leadership can be nurtured to reach a certain level but the charisma is an inborn thing coupled with characteristics.
Some will perform at its best if they play the role of a follower where backstage is their true platform.

I have been given chances to lead and chances to follow. Without consciously knowing it, I've found out that I've practise the 4S in my past Followership.
  1. Support - Leader can't perform and obtain great achievements without the support of the followers. Most importantly, once the goal and vision is cast out, we fully support it and live it till its realization.
  2. Systematize - Leaders are more of a visionary and a strategist and that is the reason their life is normally a "mess" and we help them in multi-tasking, realign and plan. Their thoughts are moving faster than their actions. Therefore, we organize resources for them to make quick decisions.
  3. Seek - For certain major decisions, it is good to seek the advice or opinions from the Leader. They might have walk-thru the landmines before and sometimes experiential advice is invaluable. Try to avoid giving unwanted Surprise for our leaders.
  4. Solve - The last thing a leader wants is problems upon problems left unsolved. We should take the initiative to be resourceful and assist in the micro areas especially during the implementation stage.
Of course I'm sharing all these in the context of someone worth following; not on the Title but more on the Person. Maybe it is the reason that we respect them or we passionately wanting to accomplish the vision set by the leader. It is not so much on submitting ourselves and licking their feet but it is a sense of Respect and Accountability that we put forth for them.

In whatever reason, Followership is as important as Leadership.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Animal Instincts + Human Intuition

Most of the Big Achievers of success gained it through Gut feel instead of knowledge and analysis. When the experts and consultants gave the advice of what it should be done, sometimes the Big Achievers will do otherwise. Perhaps that's the reason why experts remain as experts and consultants remain as consultants! I'm saying this with my respect to them as they provide the logical and the analysis part of a situation while Big Achievers go with their "Animal Instincts + Human Intuition".

Let's see....
  • Conventionally, coffee is served hot and nobody ever likes drinking it cold. How come Coffee Beans and Starbucks are championing the ice-blended coffee? Moreover selling at 2 - 3 times higher than a typical complete meal! Who's the winner; Mr. Logic or Mr. Gut-Feel?
  • Experts told Donald Trump not to engage in The Apprentice, it will be a failure. Look at the result of The Apprentice, one of the top reality shows internationally! Who wins again; Mr. Expert or Mr. Achiever?
  • Those consultants advised Uncle Lim that it will take years to build the road all the way up to the hill and Uncle Lim did it in less than half of the timeframe predicted. That's why you see Genting Highland today! Who is right; Mr. Analysis or Mr. Desire?
  • Nobody ever believe a "Black" president in the United States of America. Barack Obama has proven to be the "Black Sheep" then! Who is stronger; Mr. Tradition or Mr. Breakthrough?
  • When everyone accepted the problem of pen leakages as a norm for the past 50 years, George Parker made a breakthrough by coming out with pens that would write in all conditions; right or left-handed, slant-forward or doesn't matter. Eventually Parker is one of the best known American brands internationally. Who's matter; Mr. Head or Mr. Heart?
  • During the 60s, Calvin was struggling with low paying jobs in New York fashion industry. He thought he was in the wrong industry and considered joining a family friend in the grocery business. But his gut-feel tell him otherwise plus an encouragement from a friend to loan him the start up capital of $10,000 to start Calvin Klein Ltd. The rest of course is history.... Who made it; Mr. Pull Backward or Mr. Push Forward?
It is hard to explain Gut-Feel, Instincts & Intuitions. You may see it as a form of gambling or luck. But that is what differentiate Big Achievers and an ordinary person. In the movie Star Wars, observed all the Jedi especially Master Yoda (the cute little green guy), you'll know what I mean. They just know what they are suppose to know!

Sony's founder, Masaru Ibuka made decisions based on his stomach condition or appetite! Bad appetite or gastric is a sign to Masaru that a particular decision is not good. This is a real "Gut-Feel" example!

Animal has instincts. They don't analyse, do reports and draw bar charts! When they sense danger, they just run. Before drought, they already stored food. When dogs have stomach problem, they know what plants to eat. They don't seek doctors!

Gut-Feel is like a Compass. Despite heavy rain, thunderstorm, cloudy sky, it can still point to the North!

How to get Inspiration or Intuition?
  • Try doing something unrelated when we are stress-out. At times, ideas will pop up just like that! As for me, my driving and shower time is my Creative moments.
  • Have our serious thoughts in early morning, when there is no distractions. I've tried reading a bit in the morning and somehow, yesterday's problems were solved due to a different mindset.
  • A tight deadline will sometimes expedite our Gut-Feel because we have no time to analyse! When there is not much meetings and influenced from different people, a quick-gut-feel decision can be made through.
  • Imagine how our life idols will react in the same situations. It might trigger the intuition by looking through the other's lens!
  • Changing the surrounding states; music, smell (aromatherapy), colors...etc.
  • Try thinking in total "darkness" where peak concentration takes place.
Let's try using our Gut-Feel, Instincts or Intuition continously and I'm sure repetitions lead to precisions

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tick, tick, tick....

Now is 2nd of June. Pass this month, 1/2 of 2011 will be gone....

Changes in jobs, my son's height, Japan's geographical area, government's strategies, the number of wrinkles my father has, our education systems, inflation, the car that I'm driving, the number of blockbuster movies....etc...basically changes happen everyday!

Do you feel in certain months or years, time flies? And in some other months or years, time is slowing down? I think it depends on the Changes and the Emotions that we went through. Perhaps time is just a moving events of emotions? Is that what people call quality time or quantity time?

When we have directions, we felt the world stops spinning.
When we are lost, we felt the time is ticking.

No matter what, we still have another 6 months to go!

If focused-planning can't work, perhaps can try flexible-planning?
If systems can't work, maybe trying different strategies will help?
If using our strengths still can't achieve what we want, we may try look for our talents instead?

What about reading additional books?
Making new friends in different expertise?
Attending seminars or courses?
Finding someone to look up to?
Embark on a short vacation?
Google more?
Trying a different scope of work?

So far, are you satisfied with the journey?
Are you sitting in an economy class, business class or first class of your life?

Working harder doesn't necessarily get us what we want. Or else, tonnes of factory workers would be achieving their dreams!

All of us have our own speed and rhythm of managing our life. Instead of comparing with others, why not find our Life Rhythm, Working Rhythm and Emotional Rhythm and ride on with this beat to achieve what we want.

Try it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not Formula One but One Formula

In the area of sales, figure is the main pillar of any business.

No Sales equals to No Profit.
No Profit equals to No Salary
No Salary equals to No's over!

I've learnt a simple formula to achieve success in Sales.

Sales Results = Mindsets x Knowledge x Skillsets x Productivity

Our level of motivation will determine on our level of positiveness and toughness in handling situations, while our desire will push our creativity forward. Past programming is the major part contributing to our mindsets. What we do, say, act, read and socialise with, will mould our way of thinking. Not only that, our belief systems play an important role in shaping our values. Do we believe in working hard or just work smart? Is relationship more important than techniques? What about Macroviews vs. Microdetails? Basically, a right Mindsets is the foundation of all. If the main structure is not solid, forget about building a highrise!

Obviously, this is product benefits or features, market trend, technology applications and industry expertise. Knowing how to put it all together will definitely help us to be more convincing and efficient in our work. Know what we do and do what we know. Establishing systems or structures will expedite tracking process. Widening our knowledge through reading materials can trigger cross-thinking in the sales process. Finally, using a Blackberry on the go will surely speed up the correspondence process.

We can't be anything we want to be, but we can be a lot more of who we already are. If we can find our own talent instead of strength and leverage on it, we will be able to operate in our peak zone. Talent is basically our own Natural Skills, while Strength is more of our Learned Skills.

Example of people who have Talents; They can learn music faster, mix with people easily,  simplify complicated calculations, being able to draw flawlessly or have a great sense of humor! All of these are developed naturally without stressing our brain to perfect it. It is in us already!
What about Strengths? Cooking, Gardening, Writing or Troubleshooting are some of the examples. With continuous practise and time investment, we will consistently be a high performer.

Well, the best is using both to develop our Competencies, Rapport-Building, Probing, Presentation, Tackling Objections and Negotiation. Finally, understanding customer's problems and needs are the ultimatum!

This is definitely hardwork. The number of calls, appointments, proposals and follow-ups are the main keys. Of course this is correlated to our time management and prioritization. That's why Productivity is different than Activity. I heard someone ask another person before, "Are you busy failing or busy succeeding?" What a difference!

Just some nuggets sharing with you with the hope that you can form the whole piece of chicken yourself!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Give to Give

Sometimes it is worth it to tighten our budget a little bit more to be able to give a little bit more.
We know that in order to receive, we shall first learn how to give.
Instead of Give to Receive, perhaps we could Give to Give.
There are things that we should be prudent of and there are things that we should be generous towards.
Upon giving, somehow we felt gooood....
Be it Time, Money, Effort, Creativity & any form of Resources.
Try give some of it out to help someone and observe how do you feel afterwards.

Last Minute Appreciation

Yesterday was the last day of one of my colleague working in our company. All the staff basically had a great lunch in an Indonesian Restaurant... grilled chicken with vege plus iced lemon tea.
Of course that is not the point!
After all of our stomachs are filled, we shared on how each of us felt working with this lovely and capable lady. Finally all the good words are shared and all the compliments started pouring out from our hearts. Collectively, we mentioned that this lady is extremely patient in handling difficult tasks and great at multi-tasking, very kind-hearted and did all of her jobs with a great big smile!
I am pretty sure all of us will miss her presence.
On the other hand, I felt another sad part of this event.

How come most of the employees are only appreciated verbally only at the moment of farewell?
Why all of a sudden, heartfelt and touchy words were uttered during the last day of a person?

Is it we are too busy chasing KPI, figures and troubleshooting daily challenges?
Perhaps we are too focus on the maximum use of our time for a high-level of productivity?
Maybe it is a norm in our Asian culture of not being expressive?
Or we just simply forgot?

I think one of the way to really bring out the best in people is through sincere compliments, words of acknowledgement and appreciation. We use our mind for management and we use our heart for appreciation. Basically, we use both.

Why not begin with the culture of "A Compliment A Day, Puts All The Negative Away".

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chronological Events After Marriage

During courtship: Honey + Moon!
Right after marriage: HoneyMoon!
2nd year of marriage: Honey, where's the Moon?
3rd year of marriage: Honey without the Moon!
4th year of marriage: SugarMoon (travel locally). Sugar is cheaper than Honey ok!
5th year of marriage: No Honey, no Sugar and no Moon!
6th year of marriage: Tsunamis & Earthquakes! The Yin can't balance the Yang...
7th year of marriage: World War 3!
8th year of marriage: Independence Day...Merdeka! Then go separate ways....
9th year of marriage: Both in rehabilitation centre!
10th year of marriage: Signing MoU of a lifetime & celebrate 10th anniversary!

....and they live happily ever after....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weakness = Strength

Last year, I've written "You From Jupiter, I From Neptune!", about different people with different personalities or thinking styles. Basically people are either a Task-Oriented, People-Oriented, Introvert or Extrovert person. I've found out in different circumstances, a person's Weakness can be the Strength and vice-versa.

Case 1: Be Positive or Negative? We might stay away from negative people but it is those people that will question the practicality and viability of a venture. That is why the term "Cautiously Positive" or "Realistically Positive" are a balance way to move forward, with caution.

Case 2: An Extrovert must be better than an Introvert? An Introvert, who is always being seen as having a non-active or passive personality? The cold, Yin person! Boring to meet them huh...
They might be "allergy" to social gatherings or public speakings but they are really good in processing data and really comes in handy when it comes to planning and organizing. And most of the times, an Introvert will only say the right thing at the right moment because they process thoughts before speaking it out.

Case 3: What about being Open-Minded or Narrow-Minded?
If we are open-minded, some might see us as a non-principled person. Because we are so OPEN and not really focus in life. But open-mindedness can be a source to prevent argument and to adapt to alternative solutions during a crisis.
On the other side, if we are narrow-minded, some may think we are too STIFF and not adaptable to the changes around situations. As Charles Darwin quoted, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change". But narrow-minded people might get things done as they are focus and doesn't deviate.
Perhaps in a marriage, we should be NARROW-MINDED and focus in one relationship.
But in a business, we should be OPEN-MINDED and be flexible to change.

Case 4: Is Perfection a must? We thought having a perfect command of English will be highly perceived as gentleman! Not really. I've watched a durian-seller, who is a millionaire, speaking broken English that can stir up a crowd and motivate them as opposed to another professional & eloquent speaker who speaks perfectly great, but extremely boring and I felt sleepy listening to him......

So, what's the conclusion?

Between Flexibility and Focus, which one is useful?
Between Negative Thinking and Positive Thinking, which one is better?
Between a Sociable and a Bookworm person, which one do you prefer?

I would say all of it are beneficial, if it is used in the right place.

Flexibility should be practised in business while Focus can be very useful when we want to lose weight!
Negative Thinking and suspicion can be used to uncover crime activities while Positive Thinking can be very uplifting and perhaps, a trait of a cheerleader!
Sociability might be able to improve contacts and networks while Introvert can be a great listener for people who needs a shoulder to cry on!

Therefore, I think a person doesn't really has Strengths or Weaknesses. It really depends on where and how someone use it for betterment or for worst. If having the Right People doing the Wrong Thing or the Wrong People doing the Right Thing, it will be the worst of it. Unless it is the Right People doing the Right Thing, it would be a perfect match!

Remember, before criticising others and magnifying people's weaknesses using the wrong lens, we may want to review "where" is the weaknesses being seen.

I should remind myself as well!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Knowledge is a Liability

...only if we don't use it!

What is an Asset? It is something that generates & put money in.
What is a Liability? It is something that takes money out.

How do we gain knowledge?
We have to learn & "buy" from different sources. From books, learning tools, seminars, conferences or courses. Of course money is flowing out in this case. Therefore, unused-knowledge is a liability!
Which means, don't pursue any knowledge if we don't intend to apply it.

Why do we pursue knowledge then?
Because we believe "Knowledge is Power"......IT IS NOT! "Applied Knowledge is Power"!
Knowledge only gives us Potential Power. It can load us with preparation, proper mindset & different angles of looking at things.
But the Final Power lies in our ACTION!

So, let's pump ourselves up!!

Powerful Story is more influential than Logical Analysis

Recently, I've met 3 new friends through another friend. What a blessing to know all of em'.

One man in particular, in his 50's, doesn't has a super high education but went through The School of Hard-Knocks! Due to some crisis, he dropped from the status of million-aire to thousand-aire and eventually zero-aire!

He doesn't give up. He learn, explore & kept discovering different strategies to achieve his goal.
Then he bounced back from nothing to SOMETHING. And he taught his children the same principle.
Today, he is living a comfortable life and yet developed the necessary momentum to continue forward.

He thinks like a man of action and acts like a man of thoughts.
After knowing years & years of complications, he knew how to detangled it into few simple principles and he lived & prospered from it.

To summarise what I've observed,
1) We've got to have mentor or mentors in life.
2) Willing to learn & apply.
3) Renew our mind & change strategies till we've got it.
4) Then use the strategies continuingly to gain an empire of wealth!!
5) Share the knowledge & empower others to gain self-satisfaction.

What a blessed meeting....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happiness: Synthetic or Organic?

I just watched a local tv programme entitled "Sejuta Impian" organized by a telecommunication company to grant funds for people who have dreams, passion and action plans to realized it.
I'm impressed and touched by those who presented their dreams to help, uplift and enrich other's life.
With the pace of urban living, sometimes we care less of whatever that doesn't contribute to the P&L statement.

The P&L doesn't just stand for Profit & Loss.
It stands for People & Love as well!

Whatever we do today, are we really happy about it?
Are we, in any way helps or uplifts anyone along the journey of success?
Are we gaining Synthetic Happiness or the real stuff?

People succumb to alcohol, cigarettes, "escape-type" vacations, divorce, job promotions, fast cars, diamond rings, luxury bags....etc to gain synthetic and short term happiness. Those are By-The-Way of success. Nothing wrong with it as long as we are not too obsessed until we miss the main stuff.
What really matters is getting the organic and long-lasting chapter of happiness. We can achieve it through:
  1. A sense of gratitude
  2. The process of accomplishing a worthwhile goal
  3. Enriching and uplifting others
One of my way of getting happiness is through blogging. It serves as a channel of my thought expressions and I hope it enriches someone in some ways.
After writing blogs, I felt lighter, more satisfied and fulfilled.

And I hope you will find your way too....

Keeping the Main Thing

When we lose the Main Thing as the main thing, we have to keep the Main Thing, the main thing!
So that the main thing is to prioritize the Main Thing to be the main thing.

When the Main Thing is not the main thing anymore, it is hard to get the main thing again.
Then we will have other not-so Main Thing to be the main thing.

The main thing is ....."Don't lose the Main Thing coz it is the main thing"!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sense of Purpose

Over the years, upon reading some books, I'll write my Purpose or Mission statement.
Well, it might be a good way for me to review, change and grow accordingly.

Lately, I've just changed my Purpose Statement to a Purpose Question.
Short and simple. Easy to remember.
Personally, I feel a Question is more dynamic, provoking and stimulating than a Statement.

Example of a statement which sounds,
"To be the leader in the industry and achieving outstanding results of innovation & growth at all time."

Turn it to a question statement instead....
"How can we be the leader in the industry and to achieve outstanding results of innovation & growth at all time?"

Wouldn't it be better? Coz it sounds like provoking our thoughts all the time on how to achieve it better. And questions will help trigger us all the time to think forward.

In whatever we do, let's not forget to do Alignment & Balancing from time to time. Most importantly, "service" our mind regularly and don't wait until the stage of Overhauling of our brain nerves only to realized the importance of Renewal & Regeneration!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Everyday, we tend to focus on many things surrounding us. Some matters while some are mere interruptions.
I've just talked to a friend lately while he was having some difficulties in his job. At that moment, the more he shared with me, the more negative he became. Because he was focusing in the bad stuff while sharing with me. The very first person that listens to it is himself! Again & again & again....

Repetitions will anchor the programming in our mind, either positive or negative, truths or lies, it will stick!

So how do we control or maintain our focus so as to keep the main thing, the main thing?
There are 3 factors;
  1. The words that we speak.
  2. The way that we speak.
  3. The types of questions that we ask.
The words that we chose to communicate will affect how we see or perceive a situation. Words can lead our thoughts. Not the other way round.
I do succumb to negativity at times. But the moment I realized it, I switched station! From NM (Negative Modulation) to PM (Positive Modulation). The faster it is, the better its going to be. Perhaps practising it down to seconds or microseconds!

The way we speak will emotionalise it. And emotions can create a drive forward or a pull backward. Try saying the same sentence with different emotions, you'll get it.

How do we ask questions to ourself will determind our direction of focus. Ever heard someone says,
"Why is this happening to me?"
"Do I look like a loser?"
...instead of...
"How can I do better?"
"How can I win?"
"What can I do to move forward?"

Feel the difference?

Ok, let's practise to control our Focus and use it for the betterment of life.

By the way, I'm down with flu & a bit of soar throat while writing this. But I choose to focus on what I can do and what I want to do instead of dwelling in the sickness zone!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Old Man with a Young Heart

This morning, I had a light breakfast in KL with an elderly man in his early 70s. We were in a typical kopitiam, not those fancy-franchising ambience but those with plastic chairs and dirty, oily table where it was hot and noisy! Once a while, I do miss those kind of kopitiam.

It was drizzling and later on, raining cats & dog for around 20 minutes.
While sitting there & having a sip of the original "kopi" without any caramel, I enjoy listening to the story of how this 70 year old ride on his roller-coaster of life.

He had a hard time in the 80s and went through bankcruptcy. Adding to his pain, his elder brother doesn't want to share the responsibility of taking care of their parents during his hardest time. And he has 6 children! Rather than dwelling on the problem, he sucked it up and explore other business venture while his existing business has rotten with many bad debts. Without much analysis, just based on some common sense, he just did it.
Eventually he managed to moved on and create a "little wealth" for himself and the business grew until he managed to earn around few hundred Ringgit a day. Remember, that was in the 80s. Earning few hundred a day was really an achievement.

Did I mentioned his elder brother was doing great financially? The greed of money can sometimes blindfold a person's consciousness and destroy a person's sense of goodness.

Long story short; a simple man with a strong commitment and perseverance, always win the race of life eventually.

I do hope this man is blessed with happiness and abundance of life (which I think he has) after going through such a tough time. Until today, he is still productively working and keeping his "old" employees who were loyal to him for years and I truly think that he deserve a great life ahead.

Not to mention being a millionaire or a tycoon, but I think his life is pretty enriching and it serve as a great lesson and example for Gen Y & Gen Z to follow.

Sometimes, we don't have to look far for heroes, just those around us might be an unknown hero or hero-in-the-making. Not only the Trump, the Buffett, the Branson are great, but this 70 year old man is a great example too.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TOUGH times & GREAT times

Robert Schuller wrote a book on
"Tough times never last, but tough people do".

It is very true.
And I think both TOUGH times & GREAT times will never last. So, embrace and enjoy both worlds.
We won't live in a world of Tough times or Great times all the time. It is a combination of both which mould us, grind us and build us up.
Tough times help us reflect and review.
Great times help us appreciate and be thankful.

Most importantly, we don't dwell in Tough times and mourn until we forgot or miss the upcoming Great times. This is the law of nature balancing itself.
We can't have the goods without the bads, the blacks without the whites and the ups without the downs.

Never lose Sight...
Never lose Faith...
And Never lose Hope...

That's life.
Therefore, to live life, "Laughter is the best medicine" or shall I say "Laughter is the best nutrition!".
I totally prefer Laughter-therapy than Chemo-therapy!!

Don't worry....Great times are on the way!