Sunday, June 26, 2011


The whole world talks about Leadership while less emphasis is put on the importance of Followership. Some people are not meant to lead while some are born to lead. I do agree that leadership can be nurtured to reach a certain level but the charisma is an inborn thing coupled with characteristics.
Some will perform at its best if they play the role of a follower where backstage is their true platform.

I have been given chances to lead and chances to follow. Without consciously knowing it, I've found out that I've practise the 4S in my past Followership.
  1. Support - Leader can't perform and obtain great achievements without the support of the followers. Most importantly, once the goal and vision is cast out, we fully support it and live it till its realization.
  2. Systematize - Leaders are more of a visionary and a strategist and that is the reason their life is normally a "mess" and we help them in multi-tasking, realign and plan. Their thoughts are moving faster than their actions. Therefore, we organize resources for them to make quick decisions.
  3. Seek - For certain major decisions, it is good to seek the advice or opinions from the Leader. They might have walk-thru the landmines before and sometimes experiential advice is invaluable. Try to avoid giving unwanted Surprise for our leaders.
  4. Solve - The last thing a leader wants is problems upon problems left unsolved. We should take the initiative to be resourceful and assist in the micro areas especially during the implementation stage.
Of course I'm sharing all these in the context of someone worth following; not on the Title but more on the Person. Maybe it is the reason that we respect them or we passionately wanting to accomplish the vision set by the leader. It is not so much on submitting ourselves and licking their feet but it is a sense of Respect and Accountability that we put forth for them.

In whatever reason, Followership is as important as Leadership.

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