Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not Formula One but One Formula

In the area of sales, figure is the main pillar of any business.

No Sales equals to No Profit.
No Profit equals to No Salary
No Salary equals to No's over!

I've learnt a simple formula to achieve success in Sales.

Sales Results = Mindsets x Knowledge x Skillsets x Productivity

Our level of motivation will determine on our level of positiveness and toughness in handling situations, while our desire will push our creativity forward. Past programming is the major part contributing to our mindsets. What we do, say, act, read and socialise with, will mould our way of thinking. Not only that, our belief systems play an important role in shaping our values. Do we believe in working hard or just work smart? Is relationship more important than techniques? What about Macroviews vs. Microdetails? Basically, a right Mindsets is the foundation of all. If the main structure is not solid, forget about building a highrise!

Obviously, this is product benefits or features, market trend, technology applications and industry expertise. Knowing how to put it all together will definitely help us to be more convincing and efficient in our work. Know what we do and do what we know. Establishing systems or structures will expedite tracking process. Widening our knowledge through reading materials can trigger cross-thinking in the sales process. Finally, using a Blackberry on the go will surely speed up the correspondence process.

We can't be anything we want to be, but we can be a lot more of who we already are. If we can find our own talent instead of strength and leverage on it, we will be able to operate in our peak zone. Talent is basically our own Natural Skills, while Strength is more of our Learned Skills.

Example of people who have Talents; They can learn music faster, mix with people easily,  simplify complicated calculations, being able to draw flawlessly or have a great sense of humor! All of these are developed naturally without stressing our brain to perfect it. It is in us already!
What about Strengths? Cooking, Gardening, Writing or Troubleshooting are some of the examples. With continuous practise and time investment, we will consistently be a high performer.

Well, the best is using both to develop our Competencies, Rapport-Building, Probing, Presentation, Tackling Objections and Negotiation. Finally, understanding customer's problems and needs are the ultimatum!

This is definitely hardwork. The number of calls, appointments, proposals and follow-ups are the main keys. Of course this is correlated to our time management and prioritization. That's why Productivity is different than Activity. I heard someone ask another person before, "Are you busy failing or busy succeeding?" What a difference!

Just some nuggets sharing with you with the hope that you can form the whole piece of chicken yourself!

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