Sunday, June 19, 2011

Animal Instincts + Human Intuition

Most of the Big Achievers of success gained it through Gut feel instead of knowledge and analysis. When the experts and consultants gave the advice of what it should be done, sometimes the Big Achievers will do otherwise. Perhaps that's the reason why experts remain as experts and consultants remain as consultants! I'm saying this with my respect to them as they provide the logical and the analysis part of a situation while Big Achievers go with their "Animal Instincts + Human Intuition".

Let's see....
  • Conventionally, coffee is served hot and nobody ever likes drinking it cold. How come Coffee Beans and Starbucks are championing the ice-blended coffee? Moreover selling at 2 - 3 times higher than a typical complete meal! Who's the winner; Mr. Logic or Mr. Gut-Feel?
  • Experts told Donald Trump not to engage in The Apprentice, it will be a failure. Look at the result of The Apprentice, one of the top reality shows internationally! Who wins again; Mr. Expert or Mr. Achiever?
  • Those consultants advised Uncle Lim that it will take years to build the road all the way up to the hill and Uncle Lim did it in less than half of the timeframe predicted. That's why you see Genting Highland today! Who is right; Mr. Analysis or Mr. Desire?
  • Nobody ever believe a "Black" president in the United States of America. Barack Obama has proven to be the "Black Sheep" then! Who is stronger; Mr. Tradition or Mr. Breakthrough?
  • When everyone accepted the problem of pen leakages as a norm for the past 50 years, George Parker made a breakthrough by coming out with pens that would write in all conditions; right or left-handed, slant-forward or doesn't matter. Eventually Parker is one of the best known American brands internationally. Who's matter; Mr. Head or Mr. Heart?
  • During the 60s, Calvin was struggling with low paying jobs in New York fashion industry. He thought he was in the wrong industry and considered joining a family friend in the grocery business. But his gut-feel tell him otherwise plus an encouragement from a friend to loan him the start up capital of $10,000 to start Calvin Klein Ltd. The rest of course is history.... Who made it; Mr. Pull Backward or Mr. Push Forward?
It is hard to explain Gut-Feel, Instincts & Intuitions. You may see it as a form of gambling or luck. But that is what differentiate Big Achievers and an ordinary person. In the movie Star Wars, observed all the Jedi especially Master Yoda (the cute little green guy), you'll know what I mean. They just know what they are suppose to know!

Sony's founder, Masaru Ibuka made decisions based on his stomach condition or appetite! Bad appetite or gastric is a sign to Masaru that a particular decision is not good. This is a real "Gut-Feel" example!

Animal has instincts. They don't analyse, do reports and draw bar charts! When they sense danger, they just run. Before drought, they already stored food. When dogs have stomach problem, they know what plants to eat. They don't seek doctors!

Gut-Feel is like a Compass. Despite heavy rain, thunderstorm, cloudy sky, it can still point to the North!

How to get Inspiration or Intuition?
  • Try doing something unrelated when we are stress-out. At times, ideas will pop up just like that! As for me, my driving and shower time is my Creative moments.
  • Have our serious thoughts in early morning, when there is no distractions. I've tried reading a bit in the morning and somehow, yesterday's problems were solved due to a different mindset.
  • A tight deadline will sometimes expedite our Gut-Feel because we have no time to analyse! When there is not much meetings and influenced from different people, a quick-gut-feel decision can be made through.
  • Imagine how our life idols will react in the same situations. It might trigger the intuition by looking through the other's lens!
  • Changing the surrounding states; music, smell (aromatherapy), colors...etc.
  • Try thinking in total "darkness" where peak concentration takes place.
Let's try using our Gut-Feel, Instincts or Intuition continously and I'm sure repetitions lead to precisions

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