Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weakness = Strength

Last year, I've written "You From Jupiter, I From Neptune!", about different people with different personalities or thinking styles. Basically people are either a Task-Oriented, People-Oriented, Introvert or Extrovert person. I've found out in different circumstances, a person's Weakness can be the Strength and vice-versa.

Case 1: Be Positive or Negative? We might stay away from negative people but it is those people that will question the practicality and viability of a venture. That is why the term "Cautiously Positive" or "Realistically Positive" are a balance way to move forward, with caution.

Case 2: An Extrovert must be better than an Introvert? An Introvert, who is always being seen as having a non-active or passive personality? The cold, Yin person! Boring to meet them huh...
They might be "allergy" to social gatherings or public speakings but they are really good in processing data and really comes in handy when it comes to planning and organizing. And most of the times, an Introvert will only say the right thing at the right moment because they process thoughts before speaking it out.

Case 3: What about being Open-Minded or Narrow-Minded?
If we are open-minded, some might see us as a non-principled person. Because we are so OPEN and not really focus in life. But open-mindedness can be a source to prevent argument and to adapt to alternative solutions during a crisis.
On the other side, if we are narrow-minded, some may think we are too STIFF and not adaptable to the changes around situations. As Charles Darwin quoted, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change". But narrow-minded people might get things done as they are focus and doesn't deviate.
Perhaps in a marriage, we should be NARROW-MINDED and focus in one relationship.
But in a business, we should be OPEN-MINDED and be flexible to change.

Case 4: Is Perfection a must? We thought having a perfect command of English will be highly perceived as gentleman! Not really. I've watched a durian-seller, who is a millionaire, speaking broken English that can stir up a crowd and motivate them as opposed to another professional & eloquent speaker who speaks perfectly great, but extremely boring and I felt sleepy listening to him......

So, what's the conclusion?

Between Flexibility and Focus, which one is useful?
Between Negative Thinking and Positive Thinking, which one is better?
Between a Sociable and a Bookworm person, which one do you prefer?

I would say all of it are beneficial, if it is used in the right place.

Flexibility should be practised in business while Focus can be very useful when we want to lose weight!
Negative Thinking and suspicion can be used to uncover crime activities while Positive Thinking can be very uplifting and perhaps, a trait of a cheerleader!
Sociability might be able to improve contacts and networks while Introvert can be a great listener for people who needs a shoulder to cry on!

Therefore, I think a person doesn't really has Strengths or Weaknesses. It really depends on where and how someone use it for betterment or for worst. If having the Right People doing the Wrong Thing or the Wrong People doing the Right Thing, it will be the worst of it. Unless it is the Right People doing the Right Thing, it would be a perfect match!

Remember, before criticising others and magnifying people's weaknesses using the wrong lens, we may want to review "where" is the weaknesses being seen.

I should remind myself as well!!

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