Monday, May 9, 2011

Sense of Purpose

Over the years, upon reading some books, I'll write my Purpose or Mission statement.
Well, it might be a good way for me to review, change and grow accordingly.

Lately, I've just changed my Purpose Statement to a Purpose Question.
Short and simple. Easy to remember.
Personally, I feel a Question is more dynamic, provoking and stimulating than a Statement.

Example of a statement which sounds,
"To be the leader in the industry and achieving outstanding results of innovation & growth at all time."

Turn it to a question statement instead....
"How can we be the leader in the industry and to achieve outstanding results of innovation & growth at all time?"

Wouldn't it be better? Coz it sounds like provoking our thoughts all the time on how to achieve it better. And questions will help trigger us all the time to think forward.

In whatever we do, let's not forget to do Alignment & Balancing from time to time. Most importantly, "service" our mind regularly and don't wait until the stage of Overhauling of our brain nerves only to realized the importance of Renewal & Regeneration!!

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