Saturday, January 29, 2011

Terminator Or De-terminator?

When we stop achieving what we want, what we don't want will haunt us!
Only time will tell which zone is taking over...

Sometimes when we venture into a new job or new project or a new venture, there will be lots of variables in front of us. Only a risk-taker is willing to explore & conquer bit by bit, puzzle by puzzle and eventually a quantum leap in achievements, perspectives and of course income.

All of us can't predict the future. We can only follow-through and solve problems along the way.

Think about these series of silly questions for awhile:
"Does a mother know how to be a mother before becoming one?"
"Does a student know how to be an engineer before becoming one?"
"Does an entrepreneur know how to be an entrepreneur before becoming one?"

Obviously "No" for all! Now I began to understand successful people always encourage us to do what we love and what we are good at instead of doing it for the sake of money alone. Of course money will be a great reward and a measurement of how our performance & innovation stands. It is a major resources to build bigger dreams. But that should not be the seed of starting something.

I've tried before when money is the only motivation to work, doubts will always creep in.

When we have doubt, it is most often that we don't know what we want in the beginning. Sometimes we can terminate an opportunity in front of us only to realise this is what we want in life later.
There's no perfect life. Fast forward our life 10 or even 20 years from now, then look back from that perspectives and review back, we'll gain our guts right away, whether to pursue or not to in a new venture!

At times, good decisions are found from the journey of making bad decisions.
How many of us got married straight away with our first boyfriend or girlfriend? That proves the point!

Therefore, a Terminator destroys Vision & Dreams while a De-terminator builds it up with hard work and perseverance. Which one are you?

But becareful not to Focus Naively but Focus Flexibly as the society, market and the whole nation is changing and adapting from time to time.

Let's quit quitting to be a quitter and don't quit winning to be a winner! Yeah!!!

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