Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eh, you got STUDY or not?....(Part 1)

Is it a Springboard or a Stumbling Block?
It depends....
In my opinion, there's 3 main significant types of Education:

1) Academic Education
2) Financial Education
3) Life Education

Academic Education - that's the foundation of equipping us to Read, Write & Calculate. I wanted to put "Think" as well but I beg to differ on this. Sometimes Academic Education crippled most people than bringing them up to explore life. Why?

Looking at my own academic life, did I use any of the knowledge to achieve a very successful life? The answer is a big "NO".

In Academic Education,
...We are taught to memorize, not to question...
...We are taught to learn, not to think...
...We are taught on theories, not on applications...
...We are taught on scoring grades, not on exploring alternatives...
...We are taught that "A" students are the best and "D" students are the hooligans!

Don't forget, normally "A" students work for "B" students and "B" students work for "C" students.
Eventually, "D" students own the business!!

Quite commonly, I've found out people of low education are more Flexible, Resourceful and Street-Smarts than the graduates who are more Rigid, Planful & IQ-oriented.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see Ah Beng who sells Fish-Head noodle or Hakka Yong Tau Foo can afford a banglo and drive a Mercedez than Mr. Manager, Mr. Engineer or Mrs Accountant.

Later in our life, until we realized something is wrong, we'll begin to question....
"Why am I broke?"
"Why can't I afford that car?"
"Why do I need to pay my house for 30 donkey-years and some can afford to buy cash!"
"Why do some people earn a yearly salary that is equivalent to some people's monthly salary?"

Well, it is better to ask the "Why" now than later. That's why we need to explore Financial Education.

To be continue.....

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