Sunday, January 9, 2011

Carrot or Stick?

Use a Carrot or a Stick for motivation?

You'll get immediate result through Stick, but long-lasting result through Carrot!
Stick will only create a cyclical-reaction of "When-the-cat-is-AWAY, the-mouse-will-comes-out-and-PLAY".
Stick is using authority as Motivation Factor.
Carrot is a form of drive which derive from rewards & recognitions.

Most people are looking for Wealth, Health, Happiness, Security...etc.
Eventually, it is the Certainty, Acknowledgement & Appreciation which will move somebody from HAVING to do it --> WILLING to do it.

But the 3 factors have to come from the Heart, not the Mind.
It is not a strategy, but an Emotional Tank that needs to be filled up from time to time. Either through external or internal input.

To sum it up, why don't we lift each other up instead of stepping each other down?
Let's bring the Best in people, not magnifying the Worst in people.

Then we can create Similarity within Differences!

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