Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eh, you got STUDY or not?....(Part 2)

Well, Academic Education does form an elementary staircase for us to climb. But it is definitely not enough.

We need Financial Education.

To make money, there are 4 entities for us to tap into; P-I-C-N

Physical - which is our Neck-Down ability or commonly known as Hard Labour.
We can't progress much using this part of our body. Perhaps RM5 - RM20 / hour! We can survive but can't afford to support a complete family expenses or retired.

Intelligence - which is our Neck-Up ability. It is the ability to manage, analyse, rationalise and calculate. It enable us to look at where we are and where we want to go.

Capital - Use money to make money. The best is to use Intelligence + Capital to generate more Cash! The difference is using our own Capital or Other People's Capital. We can venture into business or investments.

Network - which is our contacts. I've known some people creating investments or business opportunities through the contacts that they have established in the past years. That's where learning to play Golf came in, haha....! Hence, I totally agree with "It is not what you know, it is who you know that matters!"

Today I've got to know a person making RM30,000 in a day in which most people use a year to earn it.
Surprisingly, that person is using "C" & "N" entities only, not using any "I" entity at all!
Hmmmm.....that got me thinking a little.....

Financial Education is about creating Wealth, expanding Wealth and managing Wealth, tapping into the I-C-N entities.
It is about knowing which tools or methods to go about it as well.

In wealth creation, it involve risks. That's why some people are meant to be employee while risk-takers have the potential to be great entrepreneurs or investors. It also depends on whether we are looking at Fast-Short-Term-Income or Slow-Long-Term-Income.

Those who tapped into I-C-N entities are normally creating a Steady & Long term income. While those who tapped into C-N entities only are creating Fast & Unsecured income.

Success is build on the basic pyramid of Academic Education --> Financial Education --> Life Education.
Let's explore that...

To be continue....

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