Sunday, March 25, 2012

Turning Big Words Into Small Words

In the corporate world, it is quite common to see big jargon being used to describe big things.
Especially during the stage of conceptualization & strategic planning.
Here I am, using 2 big jargon right on!

Let's see what are some of the big words & there are tonnes of it out there;
Authentic, Branding, Performance, Efficiency, Growth, Attitude, Cosy-Environment, Cool, Impeccable Service, Quality, Management, Values...etc.

I can see few reasons here;

  1. Because the Big guys up there only know the Big words to describe the Big things OR
  2. Because the Big guys up there need to show the Big picture using Big words OR
  3. Because the Big guys up there don't know how to break the Big words into small words!
The most extraordinary and skillful person are those that are able to Think Wide, Talk Big & Act Small.
Due to personalities or talents labelling, some people are good in the big picture but pretty lousy on the details while some vice-versa.
As much as personalities & talents are an inborn factor, I truly believe we can adapt & learn to be both at a certain level due to the reason that 30% of it are natured 70% of it are nurtured.

In order to truly get things implemented, we need to describe Big words followed by Small actionable words as well. We just need to break it down by asking What & How. First the Why, then the What followed by How.

Okay, examples...
I want to be Authentic. 
What is authentic to you then? Perhaps being original & truthful. 
How to be authentic? Say what you mean and mean what you say and your thoughts, words & actions are aligned.

I want Branding. 
What part of branding that you want? Awareness, Impact, Promise?
Let's assume awareness. 
How to have brand awareness? Perhaps out of 100 people, we want at least 70 people knowing our brand.
What if it is brand impact.
How to have brand impact? Perhaps out of 100 buyers, we want at least 70 people using or portraying the way that we want them to.
What about brand promise? Perhaps out of 100 items sold, 99 of it are of good quality and without any defect.

I want a Cosy-Environment.
What is Cosy? Relaxing, Cool, Neat & Comfortable.
How to have a Cosy-Environment? Perhaps warm-white lighting, air-condition at 22 deg Celsius, jazz music & lavender aromatherapy.

The challenge in the corporate world is to find those that can think in Big words and act on Small words. Very often that we have people that is one-sided. Meaning they think & talk Big but delegate to the downliners to break it down to implement it. Depending on the experience & creativity level, sometimes the downliners may have a hard time figuring out. That is the beginning of Communication Breakdown.
On the other hand, we have people who keep thinking about the details of what to do & how to do without explaining why we need to do it. Those are the warriors that are being equipped with Kungfu to save the world without knowing why they need to save it in the first place. 

Hence, we have to be the Flip-Flopper manager or leader....being able to flip from the Big words to flop to the small words.

If someone can do it, you can too.


  1. You got it nailed rightly. Often in life it is a mixture of big and small, good and bad, etc. You are a good blogger in my opinion.

  2. Thanks, hope my thoughts & talks serve to enrich some people in a small way.
