Thursday, March 1, 2012

Humble or Self Denial?

When we started off in life, normally is from a lower ground and slowly climbing it up, step by step to the peak. Along the way, we meet lots of people, go through lots of episodes, face different decision making moments, have our victories & defeat and most probably, tasted all flavours of life. At different phases of life, we need to instil different value platforms for us to sustain and grow.

During the glowing days of our life, we strive to be CONFIDENT. We portray a high & positive self image to our surroundings, hoping to protect ourselves from being looked down and of course, to survive in the concrete jungle of urbanization. It might be a synthetic confidence where we put a mask on or better still, it is an organically grown confidence where it is coming from the inside-out.

At times, success may blindfold us from continuous learning and we thought confidence is eternal. Therefore it becomes a habit and do beware that over confidence might turns out to be disrespectful in a dog-eat-dog capitalistic society.

After a journey of glamorous heights, we realized that being HUMBLE is the highest form of self-confidence. That is the point where we know who we are, what we have achieved, what are we going to strive for and the valuable experiences that we have inconveniently got it. Sometimes, people mistakenly mixing Self-Denial & Humbleness.

To me, being HUMBLE means you are Successful but you don't show it.
On the other side, SELF-DENIAL means you are a Failure and yet you show it!

So, be very careful when we climb the heights as not to be over-confidence & disrespectful. Life has its balancing force. It has a way to tone us down so that we will learn about values & character.

Keep it going & Keep it up....

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