Saturday, March 5, 2011

Push & Pull Forces

Most of the times, when we wanted to Push ourself to do something, there is always another thing to Pull us back! Sometimes we just want to follow our Passion or Dream.
But due to our past experiences or failures, we tend step back and think .....
"what if...", "what happen next...", "is it worth doing...", "can I do it..."......etc.

It is like the Right-Brain fighting with the Left Brain....within our Brain!
I've heard someone said before, "The biggest prison in the whole world lies between our ears!" How true...

I've had moment like that before.
When I have a Direction of where I want to go, there is a Devil telling me otherwise.
When I try drafting those Details out, Mr. Distraction will divert my plan.
When I try to just Do It, it ended up as Damn It!!

In my opinion, the best treatment for such symptoms is JUST DO IT.
Sometimes the best time management method that I've ever use is just simply SAYING NO.
We need to do trading between exchanging good things with great things......or great things with greater things.

Once I break that decision barrier and was in the action mode, things become much easier. The initial inertia was the problem.

Remember these 2 forces, it is up to us to choose.

Direction ßà Devil
Details ßà Distractions
Do It ßà Damn It

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