Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You Bhd: A great company or a PN17 company?

Wow, time really flies....

Remember the time that we talked about Y2K? Some are afraid of the "bugs" will shut down certain computer systems!
Here we are... 2010, almost ending!

10 years already past.
Some thought 2020 is still a long way to go.
Yeah, try wasting another 10 years and calculate how many extra wrinkles on our forehead by that time! We won't be able to smile by then as we have extra 2382 fine lines when we do! Well, definitely it is not the fine lines that matter, it is our journey that counts.

Time is only moving in one direction, which is Forward.
But thoughts can be travelling Forward or Backward.
To move Forward, sometimes we need to scan a little Backward.

Perhaps reviewing some aspects of our life will help. Especially in terms of:
1) The income that we earn? Surviving? Satisfying? Enriching? Or "Fatt Tatt" already, haha....?
2) The job that we do? Is it based on passion or merely a surviving tool?
3) Family: Are we settling down? Do we have the correct budget for family planning? Any education fund for our kids?
4) Who is our hero in life? Perhaps any mentor around?
5) Are we happy with where we are? Job, Biz, Charity, Education...etc
6) Do we want to excel in our job, or starting a small biz or try investing?
7) What else do we want to learn more? Leadership? Entrepreneurship? Self-Enrichment? Socialising? Parenting? Playing musical instruments? A different job scope? Property? ...etc
8) The circle of friends that we associate with? Is it the same? Do we want a change?
9) Satisfy with our body weight & posture? Overweight? Fit? Big tummy? Stamina?
10) Our personalities, habits & attributes? Do we want to be more extrovert, risk-taking, positive, open-minded, prudent, generous, caring, result-oriented or people-oriented? ...etc

Well, the list could be endless.
Perhaps we can provoke ourself this question:
"If I have a 100k to acquire a stake in someone's life and expecting a consistent or higher return, who would I invest in?"
Is it "John Wong Sdn Bhd", "Adeline Tan Sdn Bhd", "Shukri Enterprise", "Krishnan Bhd" or etc....
Just think about everyone as a company for a while.....

Then we'll begin mapping People in Business aspects. We'll start searching for the relevant attributes don't we?
Are you going to invest in Intelligence or Emotional Intelligence? Knowledge or Attitude? Certificates or Leadership?

The interesting part is "Are you going to buy a stake of your ownself?"
If "YOU" are listed in Bursa Malaysia as YOU BHD, are you going to buy? Do you think others will buy? Or all of them who have bought it, sold it coz you are a PN17 company!! haha.....
Joke a bit lah...you are not that bad! All of us are unique and I truly believe we have our own spark plug to ignite our real desire and potential in life.

When you think about companies like SPSetia, Maxis, YTL, IOI, Amway, Petronas, HongLeong (of course it is not an endorsement or recommendation to buy!), what are the attributes that we like about them? Perhaps mapping it in-person like Ananda Krishnan, Liew Kee Sin, Francis Yeoh, Tony Fernandes, Idris Jala...etc...
Attributes like Integrity, Growth, Performance, Trust, Confidence, Management, Leadership, Branding, Ethics, CSR....etc, comes to mind.

Well, I hope it can provoke us a little.
Afterall, we are after a balance circle of success and on top of all, HAPPINESS & SELF-SATISFACTION!
Hmmm.....let's think about it....

Know or Don't Know...

Some people know what they know;
some know what they don't know;
some don't know what they know;
the potential is in what they don't know about what they don't know about!

The worst is they don't know what they don't know....
and yet they think they know what they don't know and sometimes they thought they shouldn't know what they don't know coz they think others will not know what they don't know about what they don't know, therefore they could care less on what they should know on what they don't know and change it to what they know!!

To summarise, it is called IGNORANCE! haha...gotcha!!

But the moment we know what we know, the more we got to know what we don't know.
The key is to continuously upgrading from
don't know what we don't know --> know what we don't know --> know what we know --> DO WHAT WE KNOW!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

You from Jupiter, I from Neptune!

Every human being is different.
Different in thinking, behavior, personalities, taste & style. Depending on 2 factors;

Part of it is Natured and the other part is Nurtured.

If we blend it together, we'll have a Group.
Fuel it with Vision & Culture, the Group will become a Team.

A healthy and perfect team would consists of a DRIVER, a COMMUNICATOR, a PLANNER & an ANALYST.

A DRIVER sees the macro view as a whole. Risk is the Driver's breakfast! The word "No" and "Can't" will stir up a "tsunami..cal" reaction from the Driver coz they are butt-kicker!

We need Drivers to say GO, GO, GO....LET'S DO IT, LET'S GET IT DONE, LET'S MOVE!
Basically they are result & tasks-oriented, outspoken and sometimes doesn't really look into the consequences.
But becareful if it is practised to the extreme resulting in ignorance on people's needs & feelings. No doubt we need Driver to steer the ship forward. Try to calm down with Lavender's tea from time to time!

A COMMUNICATOR inspires and sometimes able to erupt a volcanic excitement among team members and influencing the Red light to turn Green!

They are happy-go-lucky and like a sense of spotlight shining on them at times.
They are relationship-builder, influencer and innovator. They are best fitted in Marketing, Advertising & PR department. They can be great leader because inspiring people is always better than just merely managing people.
Forgive & Forget are their mottos! Passion is in their DNA. Enthusiasm stick in their hemoglobin!
They are the Links, Lubricants and Bridges of an organisation. Without them, it is BOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNGGGGG!

While the communicator is always on the frontstage, the PLANNER is always working on the backstage ensuring the process, procedures and alignment are in place. If "Ah Lian" wants to sing and open a concert, she definitely needs "Ah Beng" as organiser! "Ah Lian" can't be singing and organising at the same time and same goes with "Ah Beng", period!

Planners are able to see the pros & cons of each projects and normally they have more "white hair" than anybody else because they think a lot!
It might slow down the whole process but it helps to minimize blockages or potholes that other department needs to fill through along the way.
Planner is not an outspoken person and at times, you'll misunderstand that they have no opinion!
They are peacemaker and dislike arguments or confrontations. They rather sacrifice themself than to provoke someone.
If you have problems and like someone to listen, a shoulder to cry on and a tissue for free, call them!
Loyalty & Friendship are what they cherish in life.

We have the DRIVER that kicks-butt, the COMMUNICATOR to innovates, the PLANNER to oversees from A --> Z, finally we have the ANALYST which has a biiiiiggggg left brain working on details and information.

While the Communicator has a problem figuring out what's the real deal with Bank A's offer, the Analyst can summarise Bank A, B, C & D's offer and pick the best deal!
They are meticulous, logical and analytical.
"Disney..istic" imagination doesn't appeal to them. "Matrix" figures attract them like bees & honey.
But extreme analysis leads to paralysis sometimes. Therefore, most entrepreneurs are not analyst. They survey a little and the rest is about guts and instincts!
No doubt analysts are good in accounting, operation and engineering where precision is needed as much as making a Swiss watch working for a hundred years! Therefore, they are great in a way.

Well, in summary....

If 4 person have lunch together in a fine-dining restaurant; be it the DRIVER, the PLANNER, the COMMUNICATOR and the ANALYST, this is what you'll find out:

DRIVER will say, "Hey, this lunch is on me. Don't worry, just order. We are going to hit 1 million sales!"

COMMUNICATOR will say, "Why not call upon Jane, Michael, Wong, Suzy ....etc, eventually inviting a "lorry" of people joining. As communicator likes gathering and they are people oriented. They like Party!

PLANNER will say, "Hold it Communicator, how much budget do we have? Why not have this big lunch after we hit the 1 million sales? What if we've had this lunch but failed to meet this target?"

ANALYST will say "1 million sales....hmmm, divide it by 4 salesperson, RM250,000 / person. Divide it further by 4 weeks, RM62,500 / week. RM12,500 / day. On average we have around RM10,000 - RM11,000 / day, therefore, why not we eat chicken rice first!

There's no right or wrong in this personality quadrants but more of understanding our own strengths & weaknesses and how to blend with each other to a pre-determined direction.

Now you can understand your teammates better, your spouse better, your friends better, even your family members better (we tend to think moms like to nag, nag and nag...now u know why!).

Don't pre-label yourself as a fix DRIVER or COMMUNICATOR or PLANNER or ANALYST as we can intersect each behavior according to different situations.

As long as we keep improving and learning how to adapt with each other, we'll spell PROGRESS the right way.
Or else STAGNATION & FRUSTRATION fills the gap!

Facebook vs. Facetime

It's amazing for a 26 year old becoming a billionaire!
Yes, I'm referring to Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook.

Becoming a billionaire is one thing but changing the world is a big thing!

No doubt he is changing how the world interacts, communicates and operates in terms of bringing the whole world to a few steps closer.

As I can recalled, it all started with IRC (Do the Gen-Y knows that?). It was really hot back then.
Then we have the MSN messenger, ICQ, Skype, Friendster....etc.

All of these were created for the concept of bringing the whole world closer.

At times, I were thinking that all of these applications were so successful in bringing the whole world closer but failed to bring the neighbourhood closer....even for an inch more! Sometimes in the context of family as well.
It is like, "The world is so far and yet so close. The world is so close and yet so far!"
It means a person might be closer to a new friend developed through facebook in another country and yet not that close with their neigbors or family members.

Facebook is pretty powerful in a way and also pretty crippling in another. Of course everything created must have its pros & cons. It depends on how we leverage it.
To me, Internet communication is a bit "cold" where phone or video communication is "warmer". Of course nothing beats face-to-face communication, which is Facetime!
But becareful not to dwell & got obsessed with internet communication until we imprison ourself in the Virtual-Reality than to engage the Reality itself.

The Virtual-Reality is a great place to "hide". We can hide our weaknesses, our bad behaviors, our bad attitudes or even bad looks! While the Reality (or the Facetime) portrays the real "who" in us as we communicate our Body Language, Tonality and Facial Expression in which that is the main communication touch-points!

Thumbs up for those "mamak", "kopitiam" and cafe for providing a Reality place for Facetime!

I can't imagine what if in 10 years time, Oldtown set up a ...
"Virtual-Kopitiam" where members order through a ...
"Virtual-Myanmar-Worker", then drink ...
"Virtual-White-Coffee", with ...
"Virtual-Kaya-Toast", engaging in ...
"Virtual-Get-Together" & "Virtual-Gossips"!!

Even that is still very far from the TRON's era, but I think at that time, human-touch would be pointless and if you check the body temperature of a human being, it is far below 37°C because we are all Cold-Blooded!!

In summary, do engage in Facebook, Twitter or whatsoever to keep up with the latest technology but don't forget the conventional Facetime with Friends & Family!

Remember to celebrate the HAPPY upcoming NEW YEAR in the Reality zone!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Types of Teacher

When I was in primary school, I can recalled a daily routine of greeting our teacher,
"Se....laaa....mat Paaa....gi Cikgu!"
Upon 30 minutes of teaching, we'll happily said,
"Terrrr....rima Kaaaa...sih Cikgu!"

Teacher plays an important role in moulding the student's mind. Not just equipping them with skills but programming their mindset to believe who they are. At times, who they believe who they are, are not who they are suppose to be.
Therefore, the journey of our potential is an on-going question.
It depends on how we look at ourself and how other people influenced us.

I came across a few types of Teacher; it can be our Boss, our Manager, our Parents, our Siblings, our Colleagues....etc

An Average Teacher tells,
A Good Teacher shows,
A Great Teacher demonstrates,
A Superb Teacher inspired......Which one are you?

An Average Teacher likes to use the word "YOU". "You do this", "You do that", "You are not suppose to do this & that", it is "You, You & always You".

A Good Teacher says "I" or "Let me...". "I can show you that", "Let me guide you on that", etc...
A Great Teacher leads through "Let's do it!"

A Superb Teacher says, "YOU CAN DO IT, I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

Nothing beats the belief that others have for us. It is the fuel that burn us to move forward innovatively & with commitment. Words are powerful; it can MAKE us or BREAK us.

Becareful on using our Tongues. We can curse someone or bless someone with it.
Perhaps we can read the book entitled "How to Use Our Tongue for DUMMIES!"
Does this book exist? I don't think so.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Employee ah, employee....what do you want?

Last month & this month, my current company encounters a total of 6 people resigning. Another 3 thinking of resigning....That's really bad.

I've worked in multiple sizes of company before; small, medium and big.
Some with proper system and some without.
Some are doing competitively great and some are on the sun-set industry.
Some are managed by caring bosses & managers and some are just taking advantage of employees.

Well, finding talents is a difficult task today. Retaining them is even more difficult.

Out of my own journey talking to people as an employee, I've summarised what normally employees are looking for when they work in a company; it doesn't matter whether it has system or not, big or small.

1) Career path - Nobody wants to work forever as an executive or trainee level. The issue is whether the company has a plan to move up the employee on a career ladder or they just want to maintain the "tradition". Another issue is whether the employee is equipped with the skills for the new tasks. Budget allocation from a company in training might be a good idea!

2) Leadership - Manage by using our Head, Lead by using our Heart. Management is more on a Left-Brain area while Leadership is more on a Right-Brain stuff. We have to balance between;
- Looking at the big picture vs. Looking at the details.
- Task-oriented vs. People-oriented.
- Intelligence vs. Imagination.
- Instincts vs. Analysis
- Influence vs. Authority

Can we learn something from the managers / directors or we are just merely working like a robot?

3) Reward - Can you imagine cost of living keep going up and the range of salary remain the same today as compared to 5 - 10 years ago? Nowadays even a chicken rice / economy rice costs around RM4.50 - RM5.50, depending on the location. A typical malaysian car costs around RM40k - RM60k and people normally can afford to buy if the repayment period is drag up to 7 or 9 years. A mid-class apartment / condo costs around RM200k - RM300k....developer's price! Upon completion, perhaps rising up to RM300k - RM400k.....for an empty units excluding furnishing, renovation & decoration.

To me, salary comprises of 3 parts;
- Costs of Living
- Employee's ability
- Employee's performance

We can't just pay a standard rate for fresh graduate RM1,500 - RM1,800 / mth as if it is the same as 10 years back!

4) Appreciation - this is the most significant factor. Being acknowledged and felt we are part of the organisation is most important. Confront privately, compliment publicly. I've seen a boss that wanted to cut short a meeting duration by telling the employee, "Just tell me the bad news or problems faced, skip the good news!". Or "I don't care what are you going to do, just get it done!"

Well, that boss definitely save lots of time but not realising in long term, he is wasting more time by not listening & appreciating staff as he needed to train, re-train, train & retrain due to the frequent movement of people leaving & people coming in. The worst thing happen is when the employees felt they are a commodity instead of human being!

Whether a company wants to keep hiring new people or maintaining the talented employee for future growth will depend largely on the company's direction, mission & culture.

When Starbucks re-define their company mission from:

"WE ARE NOT A COFFEE BUSINESS SERVING PEOPLE....BUT A PEOPLE BUSINESS SERVING COFFEE!", whatever they do or decide will be more people-oriented and not coffee-oriented.

Eventually, it boils down to the Directors or Founders mindset of setting up the business.

What's the purpose of a particular business is being set up?
I've wrote another note on The Purpose of Building A Business.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Purpose of Building A Business

A typical journey that one would go through is studying, graduating, got a cert, go get a job!
After changing jobs for awhile, we realized no matter how many jobs we have changed, we are building something that doesn't belongs to us.
Finally when we reach a boiling-point, we'll say, "That's enough, I'm gonna start my own!"

That is where one more business is being born!

I've came across through reading, listening & association on why certain people started a business. I know there are many reasons but I observed a few highlights.


Some people turn hobbies into a business. Eg. of housewives turning hobby of making cupcakes into a business. Pet lovers turning passion of loving animals into a pet-store. Natural therapist turning a desire of helping & curing people into a business. Donald Trump, turning his extreme passion for developing buildings and making deals into an empire. Rich Devos has great compassion empowering people doing their own business through starting Amway. Car-Enthusiasts turning car modification into a business.......and the lists goes on.

A business with PASSION is being run differently by the owners. It is more meaningful and lively!
A business that solely filled with the purpose of profitability doesn't create much value for employees to have any sense of belonging in the long run!

TLC - Truly Loving Company, embarked on a journey of selling toiletries with the purpose of donating most of the dividends to charity. It was started by a woman who was too tired of climbing the corporate ladder and wanting to do something meaningful instead.

J-Co Donuts....initially people queueing up like crazy in Pavillion DAILY, to buy donuts. Like refugees queueing up to get their rice! It was started by an Indonesian hair stylist, due to his crazy liking for donuts!

Passion can really drive a business into greater heights.


Another group of people started business because they wanted to turn ideas into reality.
When "Uncle Lim" first had an idea of building a resort home up in a hill, he was having around RM300 million and at that time, it was more than enough to have a comfortable retirement. Why does he take the trouble to plot a place called Genting Sempah and eventually build an entertainment hub? And he almost died 5-6 times in the process of building it as he visited the "dangerous" site daily!

Despite being a billionaire and having more than 200 companies, why does Richard Branson build Virgin Galactic and make space travelling a reality? In fact people have been making reservation 1 year before it was launch!

Talking about technology; we can't runaway from iPhone, iPod, iPad...& whatever in future that starts with an "i". Do you think Steve Jobs have created a new world of how we can "enjoy" technology?

A true Malaysia-Boleh hero, Datuk Tony Fernandes, creating a budget airline where "Everyone can fly!"

Whatever it is, any process of turning Ideas or Creation into a Reality or a Business, gives much satisfaction to those who have completed the journey!


Think about it.....what kind of business that is created and doesn't solve any problems?
F & B business is to solve hunger problems....
Computer business is to solve inefficiency problems...
Financial consultation is to solve financial problems...
Maid agency is to solve helper's problems...
Interior designers is to solve home decoration & renovation problems...
But sometimes PASSION in starting & running a business overruled the LOGIC of creating a business.


Well, this would be a macroscopic level of starting a business or businesses and helping a nation to grow! That is more on a Free Enterprise concept where wealth is freely created & distributed through the channel of capitalistic investment.

It is sort of a "Father" that creates a roof of employment for people especially for developing nation.

Malaysia is a good hub that provides job for foreign workers and thanks to the entrepreneurs who take the risk to start from nothing to something. People that developed this vision when they started a business is reaching the Self-Actualization level of achievement.

Some people thought buying a Ferrari is a waste of money. Why not donating the money to 3rd world countries?
But can you imagine how many jobs that Ferrari has created and empower individuals to feed their family through their dedicated effort?


Eventually, we can't be doing a business that we like, passionate and solving other's problems without profits.
In which I had friends who actually think we should not make money out of friends if we do business with friends.
How naive! Imagine going to a friend's cafe and insist of paying only the cost price of foods & beverages everytime!

Well, money is not good or bad but it depends on how we use it. Money is also a measurement of how good we tapped into our potential and use the available resources. It can help turn Dreams into Realities as well.

We can't be adding values to our employees without profits.
Team-Building needs money.
Employee-Development needs money.
Salary & Bonus needs money.
Company's annual dinner or trip needs money.

As Jerry Mcguire said...."SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

In conclusion, how the management or business owners run their business depends on the mindset of creating the business in the first place. Whether the top management is greedy or generous, feeling insecure or fully delegating, money-oriented or people-oriented will eventually increase or decrease employee's retention.

If a company has a Vision, Culture, System, Values, Branding, Positioning and Growth, it will not only attract Talents but retaining them as well.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Life Labels

How do we live our life depends very much on the labels given by our ownself.
External labelling by peers, families, spouse & colleagues do affect our internal labelling if we are not strong enough.

Here are some thoughts about how some people viewed & labelled life...

LIFE IS ....
1) Hard - definitely this labelling is affecting one's mindset to continuously "struggle" in life.
2) A Game - this is a good one! When we lose a game, we can always re-start another game, discover new strategies & go through new levels. It is not Game Over yet.
3) About Winning or Losing - this is to remind us to be competitive and result oriented. But be careful not to practise it to the extreme of exploiting others to get what we want.
4) A Gift - this label is going to remind us to live with Gratitude, by focusing on what we have and be thankful.
5) A Discovery - this an Explorer's label; treating every situation and moment as an education and full of "mysteries"!
6) A Challenge - it is all about taking risk, being adventurous, keep going forward and not looking back.
7) A Journey - this is to understand life has its season; the ups & downs. Timing is everything. We are not going to reach and stop but keep moving.
8) A Dream - this is a good one, to remind us to Imagine and Visualize! Our daily job requires most of our Left-Brain hemisphere. It is good to exercise the Right hemisphere from time to time.
9) About Love - sacrifice, commitment and give; these are the 3 words that attached with this label. This is a reminder of money is not the only thing in life but families and friends are.
10) About Freedom - it is a good label to drive us to do what we want and what we passionate about.

Well, at different levels of life, we tend to "install" different labels to drive us forward or to bounce back from low-points or to remind us on life appreciation.
Keep this note, it might be useful along your journey of life.....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Doctors; A Blessing or A Curse

Dear Doctors or Future Doctors...

I'm writing this with all my respect to Doctors and sincerely wanting to thank all of them for the great work that they have done!

Just to share some observations and thoughts....

I've had friends in which their family members have been wrongly treated by doctors in which one of them past away and some of them never got cured but got worst.

At times, I've heard comments from relatives & friends mentioning unnecessary treatments & operations done by doctors ended up making things worst. Of course I've heard on cases where I should applause & salute them as well.

In fact, there's always a controversial opinion on whether doctors should charge for patients who can't afford expensive treatments or operations. We always think doctors are life-savers and should not make money or make "that" much money after all.

But they are human beings that need money to survive as well. They have invested hefty education fees and countless resources of time and energy to become a Doctor. It is about hardwork and dedication. They can't be charging it for FREE or at a mediocre fees where they can't even cover their own education investments for the past years.

Therefore, it is the own conscious of doctors to make a judgement. Perhaps a combination of Work & Charity.

For those who are merely becoming a doctor for the sake of becoming one or solely on making money should let go of this profession and do something else. As hospital is a combination of work in BUSINESS and LIFE-SAVINGS activities, it is important for doctors to refresh and remind daily on their purpose of existence. Not simply prescribing unnecessary medicines or conduct unnecessary operations out of the agenda of profit. Profits should be made out of Ethics and not Greed!

Perhaps some of the improvements that I can think of:
  1. Doctors should be more of an Uplifter and spreading Hopes despite chronic situation faced by the patients. Besides cancer, WORDS can also kill somebody mentally before dying physically!
  2. Doctors can also equipped with natural therapeutic knowledge instead of medicines or operations alone. The goal is to "Cure" patients or not to "Lure" patients! Moreover, almost all medicines are with side effect where natural diet or food has no side effect. Why not go for natural healing!
  3. Perhaps medical bills can be adjusted not to reach a sky-rocket level but more of a slightly-above-average kind of profit? Or even paying by installment basis (not sure they have it now)?
  4. Every 3 months, perhaps there are seminars or conferences to help doctors to gain back the Purpose and Drive of who they are or who they can be.
  5. Perhaps some of the doctors should practise healthy lifestyle! Unfortunately, I've saw doctors who smoke out side the clinic and some of them are pretty obese! Yeah, talking about high blood cholesterol & high blood pressure....
As mentioned, being a doctor is not easy.
For those that have contributed to the society & mankind, I would wholeheartedly thank them.
For those who mistakenly treated patients, perhaps you should reflect a little on your passion & real driver in life!
For those who are going to be doctors, congratulations and thank you in advance for joining such a noble career. Put your HEART and MIND into it, you'll be great!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Enjoy Life...

Exploring life is a process of discovering Faith, Adventure, Direction & OwnSelf. Sometimes I'll know it when I start. I truly respect those who are experiencing a life of what is exactly being dreamt of years ago. When I watched one of Oprah's show where she helped a young girl achieving her dream of being a singer, getting an album done & singing with Celine Dion live, what a contribution! That's life! That is exciting. Making a difference in someone's life.

Time flies.
When I look back, only to realize not everything I have achieved is in concurrent with what I've planned or desired exactly.

Surprises & disappointments are around us. Indecisiveness are very frustrating and normally it is rooted from the lack of a compass!

I gotta align & focus!
But I won't just focus on the result while ignoring the process of enjoying some events and good people around me.

Money is important but after money, friends, family, respect & happiness is what we are after.

"Aiyah, why so Serious...... sometimes "sot-sot" like dat oso quite healthy!"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Else Do We Need?

Some people live on FAITH.
Some people live on FATE.
But I think most people are hungry for a sense of CERTAINTY in whatever we do.
Be it Compliment or Criticism, we are looking for a certain level of Acknowledgement in life.

Well, I think if we could "microscopically" feel gratitude about those minor good things in life, we can surf the wave of life in an enjoyable manner.

Sometimes by Standing Still, we can review what is above us, below us, behind us and ahead of us.

Let's Live Life....