Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Doctors; A Blessing or A Curse

Dear Doctors or Future Doctors...

I'm writing this with all my respect to Doctors and sincerely wanting to thank all of them for the great work that they have done!

Just to share some observations and thoughts....

I've had friends in which their family members have been wrongly treated by doctors in which one of them past away and some of them never got cured but got worst.

At times, I've heard comments from relatives & friends mentioning unnecessary treatments & operations done by doctors ended up making things worst. Of course I've heard on cases where I should applause & salute them as well.

In fact, there's always a controversial opinion on whether doctors should charge for patients who can't afford expensive treatments or operations. We always think doctors are life-savers and should not make money or make "that" much money after all.

But they are human beings that need money to survive as well. They have invested hefty education fees and countless resources of time and energy to become a Doctor. It is about hardwork and dedication. They can't be charging it for FREE or at a mediocre fees where they can't even cover their own education investments for the past years.

Therefore, it is the own conscious of doctors to make a judgement. Perhaps a combination of Work & Charity.

For those who are merely becoming a doctor for the sake of becoming one or solely on making money should let go of this profession and do something else. As hospital is a combination of work in BUSINESS and LIFE-SAVINGS activities, it is important for doctors to refresh and remind daily on their purpose of existence. Not simply prescribing unnecessary medicines or conduct unnecessary operations out of the agenda of profit. Profits should be made out of Ethics and not Greed!

Perhaps some of the improvements that I can think of:
  1. Doctors should be more of an Uplifter and spreading Hopes despite chronic situation faced by the patients. Besides cancer, WORDS can also kill somebody mentally before dying physically!
  2. Doctors can also equipped with natural therapeutic knowledge instead of medicines or operations alone. The goal is to "Cure" patients or not to "Lure" patients! Moreover, almost all medicines are with side effect where natural diet or food has no side effect. Why not go for natural healing!
  3. Perhaps medical bills can be adjusted not to reach a sky-rocket level but more of a slightly-above-average kind of profit? Or even paying by installment basis (not sure they have it now)?
  4. Every 3 months, perhaps there are seminars or conferences to help doctors to gain back the Purpose and Drive of who they are or who they can be.
  5. Perhaps some of the doctors should practise healthy lifestyle! Unfortunately, I've saw doctors who smoke out side the clinic and some of them are pretty obese! Yeah, talking about high blood cholesterol & high blood pressure....
As mentioned, being a doctor is not easy.
For those that have contributed to the society & mankind, I would wholeheartedly thank them.
For those who mistakenly treated patients, perhaps you should reflect a little on your passion & real driver in life!
For those who are going to be doctors, congratulations and thank you in advance for joining such a noble career. Put your HEART and MIND into it, you'll be great!

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