Monday, February 28, 2011

Sales ---> Marketing ---> Branding

Most of the business started off with the focus of Sales.
That is where we gather "bullets" to support in the long run. The basic resources to sustain a long term business are Cashflows & Profits.

Most of the time, Sales & Marketing goes hand-in-hand. Of course Marketing involves Product, Promotion, Place (the right location), & Price structure. But I think another 2 more P's are more important.....PEOPLE & PASSION!

From Marketing, it moves to Branding where it involves Promises, Meanings, Commitments & Emotional Attachments.

Well, I can see some businesses making a transition from Product Differentiation to Emotional Association. I guess both are as important.

But sometimes I like product differentiation and got confused on emotional association, trying to figure out what kinds of emotion that an ad trying to portray.
  • Nissan's tagline of SHIFT.....hmm.....Shift on what? Thinking? Trend? Technology?...etc
  • Seiko: EXTEND OUR LIMITS....hmm...Putting Daniel Wu doesn't really portray that...
  • McD: I'M LOVIN IT.....after their concept change on the exterior....I've got it!
  • Milo: From MINUM MILO ANDA JADI SIHAT & PLAY HARD, LEARN HARD.....telling us to enjoy life to the max?
  • Nike: JUST DO IT.....of course the Swoosh does make us feel confident & instill sort of a sportmanship spirit into us! But I guess the most important factor for Nike is most of the well-known sport players wear it! That is a great exposure...
  • Nokia: CONNECTING PEOPLE.....hmmm...of course that's the purpose of a handphone.....perhaps CREATING COMMUNITIES instead? But I think iPhone already successfully doing it!
Of course there are some who have personally branded themselves: Lillian Too, Joey Yap, Donald Trump, AirAsia --> Tony Fernandes, Virgin --> Richard Branson, Apple --> Steve Jobs ....etc.
But I got a little confused when I see the same brand ambassador carrying multiple brands such as Amber Chia or Eric Leong. I do respect their entrepreneurship & passion in helping certain brands to be more outstanding but eventually I'm a confused-kid looking at those ads!

Anyway, consumer's purchase is always boiling down into a simple formula of:
Emotion + Reason = Purchase!

Most of the time, we buy things EMOTIONALLY & then justified it LOGICALLY!!

I've had ex-colleagues who bought a LV bag, working as an executive in a, tell me bout it!! Don't tell me they need a new handbag because the old one has broken & accidentally bought a LV!

Well, branding is a very interesting field afterall. It enlivens a name created from nothing to something.
I have to admit that I do love certain brands......
As the saying goes....

Factories manufacture PRODUCTS, Consumers buy BRANDS.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Churchill Vs. Hitler

Winston Churchill

"When you meet him, you will believe YOU can achieve anything!"

Adolf Hitler

"When you meet him, you will believe HE can achieve anything!"

That is the difference between
a Self-Less Leader & a Selfish Leader!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mr. Honda

Most of us drove or sit in a Honda car before, but do you know that Mr. Honda is one of the most persistent man ever.

In 1938, Mr. Honda had a little workshop and he developed a special piston ring concept and thought of selling it to Toyota Corporation. He is so passionate and dedicated in his work until he slept in his own workshop and pawned his wife's jewelleries to continue in his business research!

Finally, he completed the piston ring technology and presented it to Toyota. You know what.....he got rejected! It was due to the reason that certain standards were not met.

Then Mr. Honda continued to study for another 2 years to deepen his knowledge. After another 2 years, he eventually got a contract with Toyota.

We would thought Mr. Honda lived happily ever after.......

But at that time, Japanese government was gearing up for war and it was really hard to get concrete to build factory. Did Mr. Honda quit? No, he created his own concrete, then built his factory & get the job done!
What a true winner!

But....another bad episode happened!
During the war, the factory was bombed twice, destroying major portion of the factory.
Mr. Honda didn't dwell on it. Together with his team, he picked up gas cans that the US fighter had discarded and positively said, "This is a gift from President Truman!" Now he used that as the raw materials for the manufacturing process.
Talking about innovation, creativity & persistency, we can't beat Mr. Honda....!

What we didn't know was after the war, it followed by an earthquake!!
Most of us would have quit but not Mr. Honda.
Challenges after challenges, he persisted until he secured a long deal with Toyota.

But after the war, there was petrol shortage. Therefore, Mr. Honda couldn't drive his car to even buy food as he used to. Instead of putting himself in the corner facing dilemma, he thought of ways to go above it or under it or around it.....and finally he had a breakthrough!
He attached a motor to his bicycle to get around......
The neighbours saw it, like it and of course asked Mr. Honda to install it to their bicycles as well and they called it "MOTOR RIDE". The so-called "business" was so good until it ran out of motors!

Guess what? Mr. Honda set up a small factory producing motors. But, he has no capital....
Therefore, he appealed to almost 18,000 bicycle shops for his great invention and finally got 5000 of them to pay an upfront capital to fund his factory. Then he found out another problem.....the motor was too big & bulky!
He re-designed and created a scaled-down version of it and called it the Super Cub, exported it to baby boomers in US and ....... THE REST IS .....HISTORY....!!!

Anyone felt tired reading it? Not to mention the person experiencing it and solving endless problems & challenges that got in the way.

Now, when you see a Honda on the road......what do you really see? A CAR or a DREAM?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

M.D.A --> Malaysia's Diversified Attributes

Russian is famous for Vodka...
US is famous for techy stuff...
Argentina is famous for beef & leather...
Japan is famous for electronics...
Italy is famous for design & fashion...

Malaysia is famous for ....check it out...

These are some of my observations of Malaysia's lifestyles in the past years....

1) Yellow Light means Green Light. Red Light means ....Green Light also!

2) General Parking means Public Parking. Handicapped Parking means.....Public Parking also!

3) Bargaining like mad in Pasar for 10 or 20 cents discount but later spend more money in KFC than what is being saved!

4) Receiving people's wedding invitation card means receiving a SAMAN!

5) Wearing helmet is "optional" when riding a motorbike!

6) Sometimes, Malaysian motorbike is meant for 4 person (2 adults, 2 children)! A Sandwich Approach!

7) Malaysian Version of "K.I.V (Keep In View)" => "See how lah"!

8) Malaysian Version of "I think it can't be done" => "Cannot meh?"

9) Some people thought pressing the Lift button for more than once will result in the Lift moving faster!

10) Breakfast is taken during Lunch time. Lunch is taken during Tea Time. Dinner is taken during Supper Time!

11) Ipoh Chicken Rice, Penang Laksa, Muar Otak-Otak EVOLVING to Myanmar Chicken Rice, Vietnam Laksa, Indon Otak-Otak. WHY? Coz it is all done by foreign worker nowadays!

12) You can spot an Indian restaurant easily as they are always ended in the "Corner"!

13) Do you know "Kacang Putih" is not white in color?

14) New Year is a celebration for Drinking & Spraying people's car on the street!

15) How do Malaysian Chinese educate their children? Through Counselling, Advice, or Brain Development? NO, NO, NO..... It is through "Rotan braised with Pork"!

16) I can only think of one word in which reading it the other way round would have a direct opposite meaning: Tuhan => Hantu!

17) We order "Maggi goreng" eventhough the mamak only has "Cintan"! Same goes with "Milo panas" despite the mamak serves u Ovaltine!

18) "Buffalo's Eye" => 1/2 cook broiled egg!

19) Bahasa Malaysia is our main national language. FOOD is our second national language!

20) To weigh fruits & vege in hypermalls, people never Queue-Up, they Crowd-Up!

21) Indian kind of Bahasa Malaysia is just rearranging the word structure from a Malay sentence. Eg. Malay says, "Eh, kasi sikit wang lah". Indian says, "Eh, wang sikit kasi lah"!

22) Instead of saying "Duit kopi", we should change to "Duit kopi putih" as White Coffee is the trend now!

Welcome to Malaysia.....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm not sure the origin of Valentine's Day and whether Valentine is the founder's name. Who cares?

Some people perceived Valentine's Day as a day created by large corporation mainly for business generation & profit taking.
Some even thought that it is just another day. What is so special about it.....the earth still spins the same way!

To me, why not just merely enjoy it instead of thinking on the negative side of it or having too much analysis on the origination. It is beautiful and lovely to have such a day for couple to rekindle their love, for new couple to strengthen their love and most importantly, for secret-lover to reveal their secret!!

It can be a reason, an excuse or a purpose for us to do something or express our hearts out!

I'm married since 2002 and 2nd of October was the day that my life was coupled with another partner, Anne.

We used to enjoyed, argued, teased and supported each other and fortunately, until today!
I think these are the reason that we sustained our marriage and relationship.
Well, a calm sea will not make a skillful sailor! A calm relationship will not make a steady couple either.

Remember those days when we first met our secret lover, ideal guy or gal where our hearts pumping at 50kHz and our blood travels at 180km / hr!
We can't sleep, eat, study and think well whenever "he" or "she" is not around. We miss that person every minute, every hour and every day!

We used to wear an "angelic" or a "gentlemanic" mask all the time, speaking and behaving gently, well-mannered and acting as a YES man or woman! Sometimes to the extend of gently "lying" to our partner saying that:
..."YES, it is convenient, I'll fetch you..."
(You wanted to say: "Why not take a bus, then LRT, then take a taxi lah!")

..."YES, what a beautiful dress..."
(You wanted to say: "Don't waste money lah!")

..."YES honey, you are still slim..."
(You wanted to say: "Fatty bom-bom, curi jagung! Eh, sign up Marie France lah")

..."YES dear, it is delicious..."
(You wanted to say: "Better don't cook, next time order pizza ok!")

Well, it was those "Gentle-Lies" and Mask that actually keep a relationship interesting.
Time will dilute those interesting moments. Opening our mask and telling unnecessary "truth" will hurt a relationship sometimes. You might not agree but it is true.

Imagine on the 4 examples statement above, to be replaced by the bracketed statement!
You are just looking for trouble!
Well, HONESTY is a must in a relationship, but it must be coupled with RESPECT.
Tell the truth, but find the right way and the right time to communicate.
It will save you from unnecessary war!

As the saying goes, Make Love, not War!

Happy Valentine's Day.