Friday, May 25, 2012

Managing Management

There is always so many tasks, so many to-dos and so many activities to accomplish in a day. We've always think about how to maximise productivities, in hope of finishing whatever needed to be done. Upon completion, we realized there are more to come! And the vicious cycles continue.
Then we are stressed up, growing more white hair, drinking more beers and burning more midnight oil!

Sometimes, in the midst of working on our To-Do lists, we need to stand still and refresh our mind on how to manage ourselves and the things around us.

I was having a drink with a friend the other night and I'm truly impressed on how simple he managed his career and business. Everything is within his grasp. Everything is so clear to him. And most importantly, everything looks simple to him and he knows exactly what he is doing.
After he explained part of his journey to me, I can summarise it into 2 management areas; the MAJOR and the MINOR parts of it.

The major part would be defining:

  1. WHAT exactly that we want by looking ahead, followed by 
  2. WHY we want what we want. 
  3. Then we figure out HOW to get to the WHAT through the WHY as a driving force. 

The minor part would be the extension of the HOW, which is to :

  2. BREAK it &
  3. DIG it.
Most of the time, we are stuck on where to start. 
We have a vision and a clear direction but have no idea on the very first step. 
As mentioned, we have to segmentalized all the related entities and see what's important at the current moment. Then we got to break it down with a procedural and investigative mindset. Finally, use our laser-focused brain to dig it further into small actionable steps. 

I observed the importance of having no grey areas as it tends to deviate us from a solid decision. 
To my friend, everything is Do or Don't Do. 
There is no "maybe", "perhaps" or "try".
He has a steady confidence going around him. He spoke his mind out, voiced out the truth, very transparent in his character and he respects people.

I have tremendous respect for him and hope to share my observations with all of you out there, who may be stuck somewhere somehow!!!