Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Every Step Counts

Before going for a big jump, train on small hop.
Before going for a big achievement, embrace on small challenges.
A thousand mile begins with the first step and the first step begins with the first crawl.
Whenever we have a big thought in life, break it down into tiny-doable activities.
In that way, we always try to achieve the "heaven" but practically doing the "earthly" work to navigate through.

Whenever we thought it is too far, try to look nearer.
Whenever we thought it have always been done that way, why not break that way!
Whenever our voice question us, let our heart lead us.
Whenever we tend to say Can Not, perhaps look at it & say Why Not.

Focus is not about getting rid of distractions but managing around distractions. There is always temptations & deviations but remember our "boomerang" typed focus; whenever we got away from the core, always fly back to the base and ask ourselves Why, What & How. Sometimes willpower & decision overshadowed scientific analysis. Some people view it as Luck, Destiny, Goal or Fate.
But a simple "Yes, I Can" or "Yes, I Want" can be the main drive for us to glide through life frictions.

Big things are made from simple but relevant thoughts.
Success is not build with a quantum leap & neither did failure.
Hence, every step counts......

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just Do It

A simple tagline by Nike, "Just Do It".
What a powerful message!
This 3 words can help solve a wide horizon of problems and truly re-direct our focus to do what matters.
It can work in many situations...

When we are fearful, Just-Do-It.
When we are helpless, Just-Do-It.
When we are disappointed, Just-Do-It.
When we don't feel like doing it, Just-Do-It.
When we lose hope, Just-Do-It.
When we think too much, Just-Do-it.
When we have doubts, Just-Do-It.
When we think we can't, Just-Do-It.
When we analyse the best time to start, Just-Do-It.
When we are faced with lots of obstacles, Just-Do-It.

Sometimes data or report or in-depth analysis is not as powerful as Just-Do-It. It commands massive action on the spot and it pushes us to Do First, Think Later. Most of our worry doesn't happen anyway & if it does, 90% of it are manageable. I respect those who go on partial analysis & partial gut-feel to go all out to live an adventurous journey. Whether success is within reach, is another issue. But surely when we look back, it is meaningful & full of essence.

At times, we have to let go of other's opinion & go on our own.
There is no Right or Wrong, it is a matter of Just-Do-It or Don't-Do-It.
If we succeed, Celebrate-It.
If we fail, Learn-From-It.

Hence, just figure...
Why-Do-It --> How-To-Do-It --> Just-Do-It!!!